Writing Prompt 114

152 13 7

     Brandi Stern was one of those girls. One of those girls that everyone wants to be, the girl that gets all the guys, the girl that is the most beautiful in all the school. But she's also one of those girls from a small town, where everyone else is nice to each other, and everybody is friends.

     Her friends make sure their boyfriends are in love with them before letting them meet Brandi. They know they could potentially lose their boyfriends to her. She wouldn't do that, though. In fact, she's never had a boyfriend. She's never had her first kiss. She's never gone to dances with other schools.

     Everyone is envious of her, but not in a bad way. They just wish they could be as gorgeous as she is.

     But when Brandi gets in a skiing accident and loses feeling in her legs, no one is envious of her anymore. People come together to support her, and her her go through rehab, but it's all tedious. Brandi's once calm and nice demeanor changes for the worse. She becomes irritable and gets annoyed easily. She's not the girl she used to be.

     Almost a year after the accident, after senior year is over, and she's graduated, she begins to be able to wiggle her toes. Renewed vigor courses through her and she opts to be able to walk again. With extensive rehabilitation, she begins to be able to move her feet and ankles. But the efforts cease to make change. Once again in a rut, Brandi drops the happy go lucky attitude.

     She just needs someone to help her out, for someone to be a crutch she can lean on. For someone to help her have hope.

      And when a new nurse comes into town to be her rehabilitation expert, she gets just that: a crutch.

     Now it's up to her how she is going to use it.

Take it from here!

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Payton Janae :).

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