Writing Prompt 102

191 6 10

     Jimmy Jimton lived in a big, yellow house. He lived in solitude, talking to no one, rarely leaving the house, acting like a regular old hermit.

     So it came as a surprise to everybody when he decided to sell his big, yellow house. Most people thought it was a joke at first, some teenagers pulling a prank on old hermit Jimmy Jimton. But it wasn't.

     There were rumors about him, though, so none of the locals wanted to buy the house. Not even the no nonsensical people. They weren't going to buy it from him. His whole family had gone missing. He told them his wife divorced and left with the kids. But there were rumors.

     A newly wed couple came to town. They were looking to buy a house. Jimmy Jimton walked up to them, after hearing from some of the locals that they wanted to buy a house.

     He licked his chapped lips, rustling his beard. He was old, but lithe. Clearing his throat, he spoke.

     "I've got a house. I'm selling it. You interested?"

     The smell of smoke burned there nostrils, but being the charming couple they were, they smiled warmly and answered in the positive.

     "Why not? We're looking for a house in the area, anyways." He nodded, smiling a gnarled smile. It looked almost psychotic. The woman's hand went instantly to her belly. Jimmy's eyes caught the movement. If possible, his yellow and brown toothed smile got even wider. The husbands eyes narrowed, but they didn't back out of the deal. They were too polite.

     "Follow me," Jimmy said, motioning his head over his shoulder, "Right this way."

     He showed them the shortcut to his house. They followed. The husband kept his arm around his wife's waist the whole walk.

     When they got to the house they loved the outside. But they couldn't say the same for the inside. He lead them around in rooms that smelled like smoke. The husband slung an arm around her belly, pulling her closer to him. Jimmy laughed at them, "There's one last room I have to show you. It's downstairs." He laughed a maniac laugh again, and their guts twisted with anxiety. He lead them downstairs down moldy stairs.

     "Maybe we shouldn't come down the stairs, my wife's pregnant. The fumes aren't good for the baby."

     Jimmy cut him off, "We'll only take a few minutes," he laughed, "It's just around the corner." Then he led them to the room. When he opened the dirt, an overwhelming stench flooded everywhere. The pregnant woman threw up right away, the man saw what was inside. He tackled Jimmy to the floor telling his wife to call the cops. He sat on Jimmy while he squirmed, trying to break free. "There's been a murder in Jimmy Jimton's house, please come! He's still here!"

     Because it was a small town, the cops were there within moments. They took Jimmy out, cringing at the smell. The man held his wife on the lawn outside the big yellow house, she was crying. She had seen the dead, rotting children. And Jimmy's wife.

     They clung together, holding on. Terror coursing through their veins. Then they left the town, never to be seen again. At least, not in that town.

     But Jimmy spent his days in a jail cell, laughing manically, stroking his daughters ghosts hair, singing lullabies to his dead son, ignoring his dead wife.

     But no one ever knew he didn't kill his family, his wife did.

     He had just gone mad from it.

Take it from here! :)

     I asked my bro to give me a story idea and he said, there's a house for sale and a man and woman get killed for not buying it. I changed it up a bit ;), but there you go. I don't like it very much, but it's a change from what I normally write! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment and share :). Thanks!

Payton Janae :).


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