Writing Prompt 128

161 7 19

     Aah, sweet bliss. I stretched my arms out over my head and yawned as the bright sunshine prompted me to open my eyes.

     Or at least that's what I tried to do. Instead I found the my arms were bound above my head and I could only bring them a few inches apart. As overwhelming aches and knots in my muscles helped me to wake even more, I glared at the four stone walls surrounding me.

     Though, I had to admit, the entrapping were my own fault. You see, I had been sent by the British Embassy to infiltrate the society of vampires. Yes, you heard me right. Vampires. Indeed, they had found me out.

     Let me infrom you of another shocking fact, absolutely shocking, she shocking that no one outside of my 'employers' may know of it. I am a women. I am a women who has a job. Shocking indeed! But the guise rather does help, seeing as how males tend to underestimate the fairer sex and never believe them to be capable of spying. Alas, that is what I do, spy.

     Lost in my own thoughts I began to wonder if it could've turned out differently. Maybe if I hadn't of accused one of them of being a vampire. . . They weren't supposed to exist, and they weren't supposed to let anyone know of their existence- especially not humans. I was a human, still am one, which I hope stays that way for a lot longer. . .

     I paused my reverie to scratch an itch on my calf with my other foot. The door slammed open and barely missed my raised knee. I froze, a startled squeak emanating from my throat for a, luckily,very short moment. Any longer and I could've embarrassed myself. A man of about my age stood stiffly, glaring at me. Then his gaze dropped to my ankle, which was uncovered and quite bare to be seen by his eyes. I hurriedly let my dress' skirts cover it. A light tinge of blush adorned my cheeks. He altered his gaze to look at my face.

     "What have we here? A woman who dares spit accusations of vampire blood running in the veins of some of society?" It took me mere seconds to reply, simply because I was admired his dark sleeked back hair and high cheekbones. Normally I would've spat the words out as fast as my tongue could accommodate me.

     "I see you, a vampire yourself, has come to set me free?"

     Heavy sarcasm laced through my words as he studied me arrogantly. His chin was set in such a way that I began to think I ought fear him. He smiled, it was a harshly beautiful, cruel smile. He swept his arms out, bringing my attention to his muscles, which I do not think was his intention. "Do you not see our generous decoration surrounding you, woman? Do you not see the rich leather that binds your wrists? We have richly accommodated you, my dear, just not perhaps the way you'd like to see it." Then he stepped closer, tugging at the chains with a smug look. "It seems as though your superiors haven't taught you to accept all of the conditions that before you." I growled, angrily kicking my feet at him, dangling from my arms.

     "I know-huff- better than you- huff- what it means to live in-huff- generously furnished places!" He caught my foot deftly with a single hand, stooping to reach my height. Then his fingers found their way to my ankles and danced a dance of ice. A tendril of emotion curled its way around my leg all the way up to my fingertips, tingling at the strange feeling.

     "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A deadly whisper informed me of this, and the hand the my ankle was encased in suddenly felt a whole lot stranger. I quickly yanked it away, but he caught it again. Then I watched in a mix of horror and awe, as he drew his fangs out and confirmed my suspicions. He brought his teeth gently to my ankle, and softly pulled his teeth across the ivory white, delicate skin. I hardly felt the pain, as the two scratches were only just deep enough to draw blood. And then he brought his mouth to the cuts licking the last droplets away. But I knew one thing, his saliva healed the two small wounds. I watched in rapture as he met my eyes. I didn't even try to pull my foot away that time. Then he took a handkerchief and wiped the liquids of my ankle, doing it so slowly while looking into my eyes that I had to look away. But when I looked back he had let go of my foot, his handkerchief had disappeared, and he had a strange expression on his face. It matched the strange feelings that boiled within me. I wasn't certain of the feeling, it rather scared me.

     He let a mock bow be his simple goodbye, and words of more mockery followed him. " I hope you enjoy you stay, dear Avalynne." His laughter chilled the air around me, and I found myself shivering, but I felt as though the shivers were not only coming from the cold. They might even be coming from his way of strangely producing feelings the made me feel as if I were falling and my stomach dropping. The even stranger feeling, though, was that I might quite possibly like that feeling. . .

Take it from here!

I am currently in a plane somewhere over the US, flying home. I wrote this prompt upon request :P, thanks for the inspiration! I will say adieu for now, and thank you for the lovely votes and comments and reads ;)

Payton Janae :).

P.S. this is my view!

 this is my view!

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