Writing Prompt 158

50 4 6

Part one.
     I didn't know falling in love was like this. He told me he was in love with me weeks before I said it back to him. One day he asked me what falling in love meant to me, and to explain that, I would have to start at the very beginning.

It was on Snapchat, (oct. 9. 18) of all things, I had been scrolling through people's stories and clicking on the interesting people to see what they were up to. You see, it was rather shallow of me, but on another boy's story, he took a picture with his friend and captioned it "my boy's hair be wildin", with a username underneath. And let me tell you, this kid was easy on the eyes. Shallow, as I already mentioned, but I sent the picture on his story to one of my guy friends who was friends with the guy who posted it.
"Omg look, do you know who the guy with Mason is? He's so hot omg"
I got a reply in the negative, he didn't know who he was it, but he agreed "no homo, he's a fine guy"
Step two, "should I add him or is that creepy??"
"Do itttt he's hot"
"Are you sure? What if he thinks it's hella creepy omg"
"Why not? Just do what you want"
After a long five minutes of texting my girls and asking if I should add him or not i came to the conclusion that I definitely should. What was there to lose? So I did. And I just about had a heart attack when I saw he added me back five minutes later. And then I thought about it a bit more and realized I'm sure he was a fboy and it wasn't worth it. So I left it alone.

A good guy friend had once told me "if a guy wants you, he's going to get you, he'll text you or talk to you. If he's interested he'll make the moves. It's in our blood to make first moves."

And even though I didn't know the boy I had added, I decided to use this advice to the same effect, after all he probably had a lot of girls who wanted him, if he was bored maybe he would snap me too. So I waited it out, though I'll admit I always checked my story's views to see if he had looked at them. He always had. Two days after I added him, I posted a story for my work Halloween party of my coworkers carving pumpkins. He swiped up, and commented something stupid about him joining us. (After all, it was an all girls party). I said something about how that would be interesting and not sure how well that would work out. And later we kept texting and those texts turned into a few snaps, but eventually he left me on read and I let it be, after all if he wasn't interested, why pursue it? Besides it was. Around midnight and I needed to get up for work at 4:30 the next morning. And I rarely check my snap before work, so I went to work the next day and it was so busy I didn't even have time to check my phone till I was off work. (At one pm)

Lo and behold there was a snap from him, from the night before, I opened it and apologized for not replying (for eleven hours), he said he didn't even notice. (Later I asked him about that day and he said he had actually sent his reply to me to the wrong person) But the conversation never died again, and we sent snaps back and forth like crazy. In fact he made me stop snapping him so many pictures and we switched to chat because he didn't want his snap score going up so high. But we continued talking till late at night and early in the morning, it didn't stop there, though. Eventually we decided we should meet. I had already told him of my plan to stay celibate till marriage, and he admired it, I was surprised he did. I remember one time I said that I was waiting for marriage because I didn't want to sleep with a lot of people before marriage and, apparently, he said that made him smile because he didn't hear that super often.

We hadn't met each other in real life yet, but the first time we did, I lost a lot of firsts.

Thanks for reading :) not sure how long it's been since I last wrote but I'll try to remember to write part two 😂

Payton janae:)

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