Crash and Burn.

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What's all the yelling about? I think to myself as I drop out of Mike's bunk.
Out in the living room of the bus, Mike leans against the wall, confronted by Chester, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT!? THE CONVERSATION WAS FINE THE WAY IT WAS GOING BEFORE YOU SAID THAT!"
Chester raises his hands defensively, "I'm sorry. Okay? I thought she...never mind.. I shouldn't have said anything at all."
Mikes voice softens,"Chazzy. It's alright. We all make mistakes."

Huh. They've stopped arguing, The thought crosses my mind as I pull my boots on before I slip into the living room, stopping when I see Mike and Chester against the wall,"Uh....."
Chester jumps as he breaks the contact,"Oh. H-hey, sleeping beauty."
I rub my eyes and yawn,"Quite an argument, huh?"
Mike sighs,"Hey Eren. How you feeling?"
I shrug,"Unsettled. But other than that, fine. I guess."
"Listen. I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm also sorry I woke you up."
I yawn,"It's alright. Some of the arguments that my mom has had with Kenji can get pretty intense. So this is nothing new."

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