Guilt's A Language You Can Understand.

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[Rob's point of view. Twenty minutes later.]

I sigh softly as I pull Eren closer to me, How can someone so beautiful have gone through so much hell?
Eren yawns and rolls over, "Rob... you shouldn't be compacting the muscles of your shoulder like this. It won't heal correctly."
I grunt dismissively,"I'll be fine. I'm worried about you."
"W-what do you mean?"
"You look so tired all the time. Like there's something pulling beneath your skin. What's going on inside your head?"
"It's nothing, Rob. Nothing important."
"You sure?"
Eren groans softly,"Yes I'm stomach is killing me..."
I slowly sit up,"Eren. What is it that you aren't telling me?"

[Eren's point of view.]

I go to speak, but quickly find myself leaning over the edge of the truck bed, my body racked by uncontrollable dry heaves.
Rob moves to my side,"Eren? Are you okay?"
I shake my head," I'm burning up and freezing at the same time..I can hardly stomach is flopping like a fucking fish.....I can barely hear anything...." I stop speaking, not even resisting the surge of vomit that has rushed up my throat.
Rob wraps his jacket around my shoulders,"Calm down. I'm going to call Mike.... don't close your eyes...."
I breathe heavily, my head starting to spin.

[Minutes later.]

I lay curled up on my side in the dirt by the fire pit, barely aware of a faint conversation between at least three people.
"Rob. What do you mean by she just randomly started puking? People who get sick to their stomachs don't just up and out of the blue start to puke."
"Mike.... that's literally all she did."
"Mike, long has it been since mine and Eren's last trip into the secondary timeline?"
"Two, maybe three, months. Why?"
"Well.... there's a chance...."
"Spit it out, Bennington. What did you do to her?"
"Rob. Calm down. Let him finish. Go ahead and continue, Chester."
"Anyway.. Eren and I are both seventeen in the ST.... there's a chance I got her pregnant."
I close my eyes as I hear the sounds of Rob tackling Chester, as well as the sound of Mike struggling to pull Rob away,"Guys... please... don't fight"
"Rob. I didn't mean to!!"
I slowly force myself to my feet,"Guys.... please...stop...."
"Rob...I c-can't breathe.."
I slowly will my legs to work, limping slowly towards where Chester and Rob lay sprawled in the dirt,"R-robert B-bourdon. Let him up..." And with that, I collapse into the dirt.
Rob's voice is the last thing I hear before everything goes red and black.
"OH MY GOD!! EREN!!! NO!!"

[Hours later. Rob's point of view.]

Please, dear God. Let her wake up... that's all I'm asking. I sigh as I slowly stand up from where I was sitting beside my bed, from the place where i was keeping a faithful watch over Eren's sweat and sickness ravaged body. "Please..let her wake up."
I still don't fully understand why this is affecting her like this...this is the primary timeline....
Eren groans softly,"R-rob...."
Instantly, my heart is jackhammering inside my head, throat, and chest simultaneously,"Take it easy.. you collapsed pretty hard.."
She coughs slightly,"W-water..... please.."
I quickly sprint out my bedroom door and down the stairs before returning two minutes later with a glass of water,"Here. Let me help you up..."I slowly lift Eren into a sitting position before moving the glass to her lips.
She downs the water within mere seconds,"M-more... please.. I'm so thirsty..."
"Whoa..I don't want you to flood your system.. you aren't dehydrated yet.. Calm down."
"I'm so....t-thirsty...."
"I understand. But you don't want to drink too much at one time."
Eren looks at me, her steel grey eyes dull and glassed over,"Rob... mouth is tongue is l-like....s-sandpaper...."
I bite my lower lip,"We need to get you cleaned up first..then to the E.R. to figure out exactly how badly Chester fucked you up internally...then if you feel up to it, we'll go grab a bite to eat somewhere in town. How's that sound?"
"Rob...I can hardly keep my eyes am I supposed to be able to do all this?"
DUMBASS!!! She can't move on her own!!!! Time to swallow your foolish pride and call Lexi.... I smile slightly, "Can I borrow your phone? I still haven't bought a new one yet."
"Y-yeah. You'll have to get it out of my pocket, though."
I sigh heavily,"O..kay then...." I quickly reach into Eren's pocket and take out her phone before dialing Lexi's number,"Lexi. It's Rob. I need help with Eren. She's sick and can't move."
Lexi's voice.
"Eren's sick? I'll be over in five."
I sigh, a sudden wave of relief crashing over me,"Thanks. See you in five." I hang up.
Eren coughs,"Rob........"
I sit down beside her,"Don't worry. I'm here." I throw my right arm around her waist and pull her to me as I begin to sing the first verse of Robot Boy.

You say
You're not gonna fight
Because no one will fight for you
And you're sure you've hurt in a way that no one will ever know

At this point, I realize that I've killed a total of five minutes and a handful of brain cells...all up until I hear Lexi running up the stairs,"In here ..."
Lexi walks in,"She have any clothes here?"
I shake my head,"Nope. She's been wearing mine."

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