Chester's Call.

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[Chester's point of view. Noon.]

I yawn as I slowly stand up, my voice breaking from sleeping in,"Mike, I'm going to make breakfast. You want anything?"
Mike yawns and rolls onto his back,"Yeah. Chipped beef gravy and biscuits, please."
I smile as I notice that my phone is flashing,"Sure. I'll go ahead and get started on that." Huh. I thought Eren slept on the couch last night...wonder why she called?
Mike snores softly.
I quickly unlock my phone and dial Eren's number, just to be directed to her voicemail box.
I sigh,"Ere. It's Chaz. Let me know when you get this. I got the notification that I missed four calls from you last night. I was tired. Bye." I click the end button.
Within the amount of time that it takes me to make it down the stairs, my phone rings, causing me to jump and knock a picture off the wall.
I cringe as the glass shatters, praying to God that it didn't wake Mike.
My phone continues to ring.
Eren is trying to get ahold of me.
I quickly answer my phone,"Yeah. What's up?"
Eren's voice. She's still half asleep.
"Yeah. I just got your voicemail message. What did you want to ask me?"
I stop, Who the fuck is that snoring in the background!? I shake the thought from my mind,"Yeah. I thought you were staying with us last night. Where are you?"
"I'm at Bourdie's place. He wanted me to crash with him. But anyway...we have a problem. Takashi jumped Rob and I last night. Right in your guys's driveway. Takashi almost killed me."
I almost drop my phone, completely unaware of Mike standing on the stair above me,"TAKASHI ALMOST DID WHAT!?"
Mike clears his throat,"Chess. What's wrong?"
"Takashi jumped Eren and Rob last night."
"Are you serious? Where at?"
"Right out front. Wait. Where's my jacket?"
Mike stammers,"Where's Eren's rifle?"

[Rob's point of view.]

I grunt as I open my eyes,"Eren? You okay?"
Eren's voice from the kitchen.
"I made pancakes. You want some?"
I walk into the kitchen,"Is that my only option?"
Eren shakes her head, obviously not hiding the laugh that's in her voice,"What else is there? Beef stew and shrimp ramen?"
I smile,"I dunno. There's a pretty sweet option by the stove."
Eren stops, then turns and playfully smacks me with a metal spatula, leaving a large, rectangular red mark across the top of my right forearm,"Haha. No."
For a moment, I stupidly revert to a time when I was young and dumb,"What? Is that the proof that you are an option?" I quickly advance on Eren.
She backs against the wall, using the spatula to keep distance between her and I,"Don't even think about it, Bourdon."
A slight smile plays at the corner of my mouth,"Or what? You gonna hit me again?"
Eren stammers,"I- I don't know....."
Playing on the defeat in her voice, I quickly kiss her, holding her against the wall.
Just then, the front door opens, giving Eren the distraction she needs to be able to break away and run into the living room.
"Hey Bourdie. Guess who came for breakfast!"
"Chess. You can't just barge into someone's house like that."
Eren sprints into the living room and picks up her rifle from its spot by the couch, struggling to load the weapon, being as she is shaking violently,"I TOLD YOU! STAY THE FUCK BACK!"

[Mike's point of view.]

I stand in the open doorway, carefully watching the scene that is playing out in front of me: Rob standing in the kitchen with a large welt and bruise on his arm, Eren standing by the couch, clutching her assault rifle for dear life, and Chester just standing beside me like an idiot.

[Chester's point of view.]

I quickly move across the room towards Eren, my voice shakes, "Eren. Put the AR-15 down. You don't want to do anything stupid."
She turns her gaze to me, the laser sight of her rifle still trained on the small piece of wire that forms the bridge piece of Rob's glasses,"What? What do you want?"
I slowly place my hands on her rifle, being as I'm standing behind her, my voice soft,"Let me have the gun."
Eren stands there, looking up at me,"Why?"
I smile,"Because. You don't have the aiming capabilities to make a clean shot, and besides, we can't lose our drummer."
The muscles in Eren's arms quiver and weaken as she continues to look at me,"You want to make a bet that I can't make a clean shot?"
I slowly work her left hand free of the pistol grip,"No. I don't."
Eren's muscles relax at an alarming rate as she drops to her knees.
Mike runs over,"Eren?"

[Eren's point of view.]

I close my eyes, my entire body numb,"Guys. I'm tired, okay? I'm fine. I'm just tired."
Chester's voice.
"You almost shot Rob. How are you just fine?"
My voice barely escapes my throat,"I'm tired. I hardly slept last night. I was watching the door, thinking that Shintuo would break in."
Chester sighs,"You can't keep pulling all nighters... it'll catch up to you at some point. You need sleep."
I look at Chester through glass eyes,"I can't keep running from what scares me. One night, when I close my eyes, that Shintuo, or any of my enemies, for that matter, will storm the house that I'm staying in, and waste us all."
"Come on. Go lay down. Rob, can Eren crash in your bed for an hour or two? The couch is too small for her."
Rob's voice.
"Yeah. The door is unlocked.  I slept in the recliner last night."

[Five minutes later.]

I yawn as I nestle into the multiple comforters on Rob's bed,"Dude. How can you sleep on something this soft?"
Rob smiles as he draws the curtains shut,"Honestly, I have no idea. It just happens."
I smile,"Ah. A soft bed for a gentle soul. That makes sense."
"I wouldn't go that far, Eren. You know this."
I bite my lower lip as I prop myself up on the multiple pillows,"You do realize that earlier in the kitchen, I felt something between us, right?"
"Yeah. I know."
I sigh slightly,"Rob. What's wrong? Is it me?"
"No. It's not you."
"Is it my age?"
"No. It's not that, either."
"Then what is it?"
"I. I don't know, Eren. I honestly don't know."
"Is it something I can help you with?"
"I'm not sure of that, either."
Just then, Rob's phone rings, She Couldn't playing over the speaker.

[Rob's point of view.]

I sigh as I pull my phone from my pocket, already knowing exactly what is waiting for me after I press the answer key.
I quickly answer my phone," What, Lexi? Call to friend zone me again?"
Lexi's voice in my ear.
"Rob. I told you exactly why I left the first time. I'm a medic. You are a drummer. I do the dangerous work, while you just beat on things all day. I'm sorry. I still don't think things will work between us. Goodbye."
I disconnect the call before turning and violently throwing my phone against the far wall, watching as the screen shatters before the phone falls to the floor.
Eren looks at me, wild fear in her eyes,"Rob? You okay?"
I sigh heavily, "No, Eren. I'm not. Why can't she see how I feel about her? I'm kicked myself stupid, jumping through hoops for her.. just for her to pull the I'm a medic, you're a drummer card. Constantly. She doesn't know how much it tears me up inside..and I can't tell Mike, because well..Lexi is his sister. He'd kick my ass if he found out how I feel about Lexi."

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