Fields Of Paper White.

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Why? Why him? Why me? I sigh as I run along the sidewalk, completely forgetting about the earpiece.
Phoenix's voice.
"What's wrong, Eren?"
I jump slightly, Nothing.
"You suck at lying. Something's wrong."
I just can't do this. I can't be around him and think clearly at the same time. I thought I could, but I can't.
"What do you me- LOOK OUT!! THERE'S ONE BEHIND YOU!!!"
I turn on my heel and unleash a few crystal shots, missing the Hybrid by a mile.
It lurches towards me.
I turn and start running,"JORDANA!!! CHESTER!!!! HELP!!!" I trip, hitting my head and passing out.

[Ten minutes later.]

Jordana shakes me slightly,"Eren. Eren, can you hear me?"
I groan and open my eyes,"Yeah. I hear you. What happened?"
"You had a false fight or flight reaction."
"In English, please."
She looks at me, her voice flat,"You killed a cat, tripped, and then knocked yourself out."
Chester shakes his head,"Let me guess... Phoenix scared the crap out of you, didn't he?"
I close my eyes, fuming over my own stupidity, FARREL!!!
Phoenix laughs,"Had it coming!"
I open my eyes,"So. Guess I'm on house arrest for a few days?"
Jordana smiles,"Actually, I know of a better way for you to help the rebellion."
I look at her,"What is it?"
"The hospital is short on staff. I could use an assistant."
I sigh,"Great. Into the Lion's den. That's brilliant."
Jordana smiles reassuringly,"Listen. The patients see one of the rebellion's faces, and I guarantee we'll have recruits in no time."
I look at Chester,"What about you?"
He smiles,"Safest thing for both of us to do, I guess."
Great...two of us working the same shift with Jordana. We'll be fired in no time. Phoenix, stay out of it.
Chester looks at Jordana,"So what, Doc? Do we need a sob story?"
Jordana exhales slowly,"That's just it. Neither of you are going to like this... but everyone thinks that you had twin sons, but that you lost them in the crash. I'll let you two come up with the names."
I look at Chester,"How about Charles and Mark? One named after you and the other after my father."
Chester smiles,"I was just about to ask that same question."
Jordana looks at us,"You two ready to ignite an unsepressable spark?"
I smile and adjust my shirt,"Let's light this candle!"
Chester cracks his knuckles,"Couldn't have said it better myself."
"First, y'all need to look the part. I've got a few extra lab coats. Follow me." She walks into the living room.

[Minutes later.]

I smile and adjust the collar of the coat that Jordana is letting me use, checking my face in the visor mirror of her Chevy Malibu,"It looks good on you, Chester."
He smiles,"Looking pretty good yourself."
Jordana looks at us,"Get it together. I have to sign you in. If any hospital staff asks, you are medical students training under me, and your gloves are prosthetics. Am I clear?"
I nod,"Ten-four."
Chester nods,"Yep."
"Good," She opens her door, waiting for us to follow her lead.
I step out of the car.
Phoenix. Again.
"Wasn't that type of sob story overdone in the Hunger Games?"
Yes, Phoenix. It was.
"Anyway. What would you name the twins?"
Charles and Mark. Why?
"Just asking. Those are good names, by the way."
Jordana's voice snaps me back,"Eren. Give them your name."
I shake my head, clearing my head,"Erenya Rostovic."
The rough looking guard points to the cloth around my forehead,"Where'd that come from?"
"My brother and I suffered a major accident a few years ago in Russia. I've got a nasty scar and he's missing an eye."
The guard smiles slightly,"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Rostovic. Here is your badge." He hands me a plastic card with my name and picture on it.
I take it and slide it into my coat pocket,"Thanks."
Jordana looks at me as we walk away, her voice low,"Good job. Don't overdo it."
Chester smiles,"So. Who are we seeing first?"
"Emergency Room patients. Get into character."
I clear my mind and force my most depressed look, my mind set.
Jordana opens the door,"Eren, go see that elderly woman over there in the far corner. Chester, stay with me."
I nod and walk towards an elderly woman with platinum hair, I extend my right hand,"Hello, my name is Doctor Rostovic. I'll be performing triage on you today. What seems to be the problem?"
The woman takes my hand, but quickly notices my glove,"Dear, what's wrong with your hand?"
I smile slightly,"I was in a bad crash. I lost my well as my two sons."
"Oh. Honey. What were their names?"
I look at her,"Charles and Mark."
"Those are good names. Any special reason?"
"Charles was named after my boyfriend. Mark was named after my father who died a few weeks ago in a crash."
The woman looks at me, realization in her eyes, her voice a soft whisper," You're Mark Wakefield's daughter, aren't you?"
I nod,"Yes, Mam, but please. Keep your voice low. The rebellion is starting. We need all the help we can get."
She looks around, then back at me,"The guy who you was riding with that night. Was he drunk or something?"
I shake my head,"No, Mam. He had a long day and fell asleep behind the wheel."
Jordana strides over,"Miss Del Muerto, are you bothering a new student?"
The woman smiles,"Jordana, you know as well as I do that this girl does not belong in the medical field. She's far too unstable."
Instinctively, I raise my left hand, the core of my glove sparking.
A voice at the door.
I turn and look over my shoulder to find Chester pinned against the wall.
A second voice,"Sir. The male has been identified as Chester Bennington. He's also a Resistance Fighter."
I launch a crystal shot at the man holding Chester against the wall,"Chester!! Run!!!"
He drops to the floor, stands up, and sprints towards the secondary doors,"Eren!!! Come on!!!"
I run after him,"WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR JORDANA!!!"
He stops,"No. She'll be fine."
I turn and run back towards the E.R.,"JORDANA!!!"
I run faster, blatantly ignoring the evacuation order.
Chester runs up and tackles me,"Eren. Stay here in the hallway. Let me go in. If I get shot, then that means you and our children will survive!"
I lay there, the wind knocked out of me, Our children!? Is he serious!?
Chester stands up,"If I don't make it back, remember. I love you." He bursts through the double doors.
More gunshots. A body hits the floor.
I scramble to my feet,"CHESTER!!! NO!!!!"
The doors fly open.
Chester runs out, followed by a heavily bleeding Jordana,"Come on!!!! We have to get to Andre's house!!!"
I will my legs to carry me faster, stopping only when we are washed in daylight.
Chester looks at me, his breathing heavy,"Where is his house?"
I pick Jordana up,"FOLLOW ME!!!" I start running.

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