Thick Smoke And Flickering Lights Brighten The Room.

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[Chester's point of view.]

I sigh as I sit down at the kitchen table, "Mom. I don't understand. What is it that I see in her?"
My mom looks at me,"Did anything happen before or after the crash?"
"I can't remember what happened before, but after the crash, in that first moment of being in that hallway alone with each other, we kissed. She was scared to death, and I was feeling guilty for what I did."
"Ah. There you have it. You are staying with her out of guilt. You are afraid that if you can't make up for what you did to her, that she'll leave."
I close my eyes, Just like the day I overdosed and scared Mike to death. Poor man. How does he do it?
My mom's voice,"You okay there, Chaz?"
I look at her,"Yeah. Just thinking."
A soft Thump from upstairs brings my thoughts up to speed.
"Sounds like she fell."
"No need to tell me! I know what her body sounds like when she hits different things at different angles!" I sprint up the stairs,"Eren?"
Her voice. Pained.
I beat on the door,"Eren?"
Her voice.
"What do you want!? I'm trying to find a towel so I can stop the torture session!"
"Is the door unlocked? I forgot to tell you where the towels are at."
"Come in. I can't see anything."
"Well. Is the curtain pulled around you?"
"Yeah. My arm will be sticking out, because I'm trying to find a dang towel!"
I sigh and open the door, immediately met with an insane amount of steam,"God. Got it hot enough in here?"
Eren chuckles,"What can I say? I like it hot."
I laugh as I pull a towel down from its spot above the medicine cabinet,"You can see fire, can't you?"
"Actually, I can't see anything. Where's that towel?"
"In my hand." I hand the towel to her.
She takes it,"Dude. This is your shirt. I don't want to ruin it."
I smile,"Hey. I'm the only one, other than Andre, who will offer you a shirt when you need it."
The sound of her shutting the water off.
I move towards the door,"You need anything else?"
"Nope. I'll be down in a few minutes."
I walk out, pulling the door shut behind me.

[Eren's point of view. Minutes later.]

I slowly make my way down the stairs, my head pounding from the extended period of having soap in my eyes, my bare left hand sliding along the handrail, taking in every contour of the beautiful piece of Tiger Maple.
Chester smiles from the bottom of the stairs, "You like it? I carved the top piece myself. Did it in shop class."
I smile,"Yeah. It's beautiful. How did you keep from messing up?"
"Believe me. That was the third attempt. I messed up at least twice. I kept trying for something I knew I couldn't have."
I look at him,"What was that?"
A cold chuckle escapes his throat,"The highest grade of the class."
I smile and run into his arms,"Chess. It's perfect. I bet your mom was proud."
Her voice. In the kitchen.
"I still am. His hand work on the rail was exceptional!"
Chester smiles,"So yeah. You ain't the only thing that I was gentle with."
I stammer, my face red,"I..uh....."
"Relax. I was joking."
I shake my head,"You got a change of clothes I can wear?"
"Yeah. I'll go get them. Leah, can Eren change in your room?"
Leah smiles,"Just don't touch my Fort Minor poster. You touch it, and I break your nose."
I throw my hands up,"Calm down. Mike is yours to fangirl over. I got my guy."
Chester smiles,"Guys. In this timeline, Linkin Park doesn't exist." He moves up the stairs.

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