Part II: "Voices In The Darkness."

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[Letter to Phoenix, written by Chester.]

D. Phoenix. F,
You are like a brother to me. I hope you know this. I can't stand to see you hurting yourself over some seventeen year old punk who has no idea what real love even is. If he ever, and I mean EVER, hurts you again, I WILL kill him.
                  From, Chaz.

[Letter to Chester, written by Phoenix.]

C. Bennington,
I know this Chaz, but some pills are hard to swallow. You of all people should know this. Not trying to make a Hybrid Theory joke....but...I mean with all the reality you've had to face. You understand, right?
Anyway, please don't let anyone else see these letters. Don't tell anyone what I'm telling you, okay?
                From, D. Phoenix.F.

[Letter to Phoenix.]

D. Phoenix. F,
I won't tell anyone, unless they need to know. You know how well I can keep secrets. I've done it before. Not proud of it, but I have done it before. Anyway, what is going on between you and Alex?

[Letter to Chester.]

C. Bennington,
Alex has stopped talking to me at all. I think he's gone mute. As for my end of all this nonsense, I've lost weight. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I'm afraid that one night, when I close my eyes, he'll try it again. I can barely hold my guitar without my right shoulder lighting up from the pain. I. NEED. HELP.

[Letter to Phoenix.]

I'll do all I can to help you. You know this. But you need to keep your weight up. I know you were strong and scrawny when you were a kid, but you aren't eighteen anymore. You are thirty-seven. You need to eat. You can't pull a me. Everyone will notice. I've started to notice. Your eyes show darkness that wasn't there before this. You used to smile at the smallest things. Now you just stand there looking like there's someone holding a gun to your head. Your personality, unfortunately, does not allow for the darkness that you are going through.

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