Mark The Graves.

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"Eren, wake up."
I roll onto my side, my back to Chester.
"Mike, she ain't getting up."
I can barely hear Mike telling Chester to pick me up.
Chester smiles,"Alright."
I chuckle softly,"Five more minutes, Dad. Please."
"Uh. Okay then." Chester walks away.
I open my eyes, realizing what I've just said.
Just then, Chester walks in with a bucket of water,"You better get out of bed in the next three seconds or else you get soaked."
Within seconds, I'm out of bed and pulling my boots on,"It doesn't bother you that I called you Dad, does it?"
He smiles,"I'd claim you as my own in a heartbeat."
I smile and pick Alex's hoodie up off of the floor,"Alright then, Dad. Huh. Has a nice ring to it."
Chester throws his arm around my shoulder, "Get ready. We're going shopping."
I sigh and use my fingers to comb what little hair I have,"Huh. Hey Dad. I just realized something."
I smile,"You and I have the same hair style."
Chester smiles,"Same length, color, and everything. What do you know."
Mike pokes his head through the door,"You two little kids ready?"
I nod,"Yes Uncle Mike. Oh. By the way, when's our first gig?"
"Later, at the Mountaineer football stadium."
My heart skips a few beats,"Morgantown!? No way!!"

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