A Line In The Sand.

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[Chester's point of view.]
I'm back on the bus, laying in my bunk, is all I can register. I'm breaking out in a cold sweat, my stomach is turning like crazy, and I feel weak. I mumble into the mid-afternoon dim," I'm doing this for Eren and Mike. I'm breaking the habit for them."
Just then, a voice cuts through my misery,"Chester? You awake?"
I mumble,"Yeah. Why?"
"Because, I want to talk to you."
"Why? I'm just some fool that thinks I can play with something dangerous for a while and then stop suddenly."
"I was in that same situation a few months ago. Then I found a light at the end of the tunnel."
"Yeah, and you can talk to him if you'd like to."
I sigh,"I don't think talking to one of your friends will help, Eren."
I see her swing her legs over the edge of her bunk then drop to the floor.

[Eren's point of view.]
"Please, Chester?"
He sighs,"Fine. Call whoever it is."
I flip my phone open and dial Alex's number.
The line rings, then thick Russian,"Hello?"
I smile, easily conversing in the foreign language,"Mister Rostovick, may I speak to Aleksi?"
Alex's voice comes across,"Hey Tony."
I sigh,"Aleksi, I hate to ask, but I need your help with something."
"Okay. What's going on?"
I look down at the floor,"I have this friend who is heavily dependent on drugs. He's trying to stop, but he can't do it by himself. Can you talk to him for a moment?"
"Sure. What's his name?"
"Chester Bennington."
"The Chester Bennington?"
I nod," Yep. The one and only."
"Sure. I'll see what I can do."
I hand my phone to Chester,"Here you go."
He mumbles into the mic,"Hello?"
Alex clears his throat,"Listen, Chester. There are better ways to live life. Doing drugs is not one of them. I've seen people throw their lives away for a thirty second high. I've lost a few people because of that. But at the same time, I've gained a friend from it. I'll tell you the same thing I told Eren: if you don't stop now, you'll end up dancing with Death, and that is not something you want to do. Now comes the variation: you have a very special person beside you. If for no one else, stop for her. Stop for me. Stop for your fans. Anyway, I gotta go." He disconnects.
I look at Chester, realizing now that he's crying,"See? You aren't the only one who goes through some sort of sick, twisted version of this. I went through it too."
He sobs heavily,"I've tried and tried. I just can't do it."

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