This Is The Summer Of The Rain.

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I smile as I pull Chester's jacket tighter around me as I step into one of the hotel's four elevators,"How can you wear something so heavy when it's insanely hot outside?"
Chester looks at me,"Can't stand hospitals. Too cold for me. Has been ever since the month I spent in the same situation that you were in."
"Oh. Honest question, but how cold was my skin?"
"Not very cold. They kept you covered with an electric blanket... tried to minimize the risk of brain damage."
I close my eyes and lean back against the handrail,"Ugh. .. just got dizzy for a second...wait. where are we at?"
"Uh. In the elevator?"
I look at Chester, my eyes wide with panic and fear,"Who are you!?"
"Oh crap. Memory loss..."

[Chester's point of view.]

"Eren. It's me. Chester." I look at her, praying to God that I can snap her back.
She looks at me, clearly fearful,"What the hell am I doing in an elevator with a guy who I don't know!?"
I stammer and pull my phone from my pocket, quickly dialing Mike's number.
Mike's voice,"What's up, Chess?"
"Mike. Eren lost her memory. What do I do?"
"Try to get her to your room."
I stammer,"Mike. I won't take advantage of a seventeen year old girl who has her memory. I'm not going to do that to Eren."
"No. I don't mean like that. There's something on the other bed that should jog her memory."
"The hell!? Now you are saying I should get in bed with her!?"
"Goddammit, Chester. The helmet!!!!"
I chuckle nervously,"Oh. Right."

[Eren's point of view.]

Who the fuck is this guy, and why does he sound so familiar!? The thought crosses my fragmented mind as I hear the sound of metal hitting tile.
I look down to see a silver object lying at my feet,"What's this?" I bend down and pick it up.
Chester looks at me,"Hang on, Mike. I think she's coming around... Eren. Put that back. I don't want it to remind you of what happe- wait. Never mind. Maybe it'll help you remember."
I look down at the object in my hands, the brightly colored seal catching my attention, "State of Virginia?"
Just then, something clicks, causing me to relive every tragic event in my life, followed by the better moments.
Chester looks at me,"Eren? You okay there?"
I smile and look at him,"It starts with one, then multiplies till you can taste the sun."
He smiles,"They're dealing you in, to determine your end. Then sending you back to places you've already been."
"Hear the screaming in my dreaming, as it's seeming that you've played your part. Like you're heartless, take apart this. I can only hope that they close their eyes."
"To the twilight through the skylight, to the highlights on a frame of steel."
"And the brightness of your likeness, as I write this on a pad to the way I feel."
The doors open, revealing the designated floor.
Chester steps out.
I follow him,"How long have you guys been staying here?"
"Since you almost died."
He continues down the hall, stopping at a door marked 703.
I stand there, watching him produce two key-cards from his pocket.
Chester looks at me as he slides the first card into the slot in the door handle,"What? I've got to give Mike something. Your card to our room is laying with your helmet."
I nod, then look down at the floor, taking a mental note of the floral embossed carpet.
The door clicks open.
Mike's voice from inside the room.
"Hey Chess!"
Chester smiles,"Hey Mikey."
I laugh as I walk in behind Chester,"Hey Mike."
Mike looks at me,"How are you feeling?"
I shrug,"To be honest, I feel cold and empty..."
"Yeah. That'll...happen... That'll definitely happen."
I sigh as I look at the floor, picking up on Mike's sudden lack of emotion,"You worried. Didn't you. Not because you saw me on the floor, but because you saw the memory of Chester laying in my place. Right?"
Mike sighs and sits down on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands,"To be honest, yes. I know I shouldn't have thought that way, but I just.. I couldn't help it. I never thought that there would be that moment when it would be you."
I smile slightly and sit down beside him,"Hey. I can't even remember where I got it. So how could I have overdo-" my mind jumps into overdrive, DAMMIT CHESTER!!! YOU LEFT THAT COCAINE ON THE COUNTER, KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT IF I DID IT WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, THAT I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO RESIST IT NOW!!!
Chester looks at me,"Don't yell. I'm right here!"
Mike looks at me, then his gaze turns to steel and shifts to Chester,"What did you do?"
Chester stammers,"It wasn't me. I've been clean since the day i talked to Alex on the phone."
I stand up,"It was one of you. Mike wouldn't sabotage someone. Chester, you are right. You have been clean since then. So that narrows it down to four."
Mike stammers,"I'm not questioning your logic, Eren, but who would it be?"
I sit there, my eyes casting a thoughtful gaze to the closed bathroom door,"Honestly. I'm not sure."
Just then, Rob walks out, a towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from the tips of his hair.
I look at the floor, a pounding headache forming along my forehead,"Mike. I know who did it."
Mike looks at me, his voice low in my ear,"Who was it?"
I look up, my lips forming the silent words,"Rob. Rob did it."
Mike stammers,"I..uh. Ro- SERIOUSLY!?"
I stand up,"Chester. Key-card, please."
Chester hands me his card, "Room 702."
I take the card and walk out.

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