Somewhere I Belong.

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[Rob's point of view. Two-thirty in the morning.]

Eren's voice, faint in my mind.
" me alone!!"
I lay there on the floor, trying to figure out what is going on.
"No!! Please!!! Chaz!!! Stop!"
I open my eyes as I jump to my feet to find Eren balled up in the far corner of the room, crying and shaking,"Eren?"
At the sound of my voice, she seems to calm down,"No... please... I'm begging
I walk over to her,"Eren. It's me, Bourdie. Can you hear me?"
She rolls onto her back and looks at me, her eyes wide with tears,"R-rob?"
I smile slightly and kneel down beside her,"Hey. Calm down. Everything is alright. I'm right here."
She lays there, shaking slightly,"C-can you h-hold me? I'm scared."
She looks so vulnerable. How could such beautiful eyes handle so much darkness? I smile as I take her in my arms,"Of course I'll hold you."
Eren smiles and nestles closer to me,"Angry guns, preach a gospel full of hate. The blood of the innocent, on their hands."
I pull her closer,"Crying, Jesus help me, to see the morning light, of another day."
She yawns,"But if I should die, before I wake. I pray my soul, to take."
"But if unknown roads lead 'way from home, give me loving arms, safe from harm."
Eren slowly closes her eyes,"Adame, atchiateme. Adame, atchiateme."
I lean back against the wall,"Lift me up, let me go. Lift me up, let me go."
She snores softly, already dead to the world.
I sit there, my left hand stupidly moving itself in circles along her back, until I have focused too much on the repetition and fall asleep.

[Eren's point of view. Eleven-twenty that morning.]

I yawn as I open my eyes, blinded by the midmorning light,"R-rob?"
No answer.
I look around,"Rob?"
By this time, I know well enough that something isn't right,"Bourdie!?" I'm standing up now, looking around the empty living room.
A faint cry of pain from Mike and Chester's room.
I move silently towards where my rifle is laying by the door.
Another cry, louder, less vocal.
I pick up the rifle, loading and racking it as I move up the stairs, my bare feet giving no noise of my approach.
A voice.
"Bourdon, Shinoda, Bennington. You three have kept the girl from me for too long. One of you must either present her bound body to me, or sacrifice yourself to end any future retribution faced at the hands of the Ishko family."
Rob's voice.
"Why the FUCK would any one of us three do either of those things!? How about a third option: untie me, and I'll kick your ass harder than I did last time!?"
The sound of metal hitting flesh and bone.
Rob screams.
I stand by the closed door, waiting for the right moment to kick it in.
The voice again.
"Because. I want you to know how it felt when you beat me and left me to die. I WANT YOU TO FEEL MY PAIN!!"
Takashi glares at me, a wide scar along his face, running diagonally across his left eye, of which there is no longer a pupil in, only white and red,"Wakefield. Of course you'd wake up now. I should have bound you when I had the chance. No matter. For your pitiful existence will be over sho-" Takashi drops.
I stand there, clutching my rifle to my now throbbing left shoulder,"Say goodbye, bitch."
Rob laughs through the pain of his broken shoulder,"Hah... wasn't wasting time, were you?"
Now that my field of vision is back to normal, I can see Mike, Chester, and Rob bound at the wrists and ankles to three of the chairs from the kitchen.
Chester is half beside himself with tears.
Mike is trying, and failing, to calm Chester,"Chess. Hey..Calm down. We're alive. It's over. Neither of them can hurt us now."
Rob is gazing stupidly at the ceiling, trying not to pass out,"So..let the floods... cross...the your eyes..."
I rush over and untie the three of them, shaking like a leaf on a tree by the time I get to Rob,"Hey... Rob.. stay awake. Hey! Look at me.. Rob!! Mike, call an ambulance!!"
Rob slumps forward in the chair, clearly passed out from the pain.

[Later, in the hospital. Rob's point of view.]

I slowly open my eyes, numb to everything except Eren crying beside me,"Ere...wh-what's w-wrong?"
She looks up from the floor, her cheeks stained with tears,"Oh..Rob. You're awake."
I slowly push myself into a sitting position, my left arm in a sling,"That was amazing how you handled the situation earlier. Who called the ambulance for me?"
Eren closes her eyes, fighting back a fresh wave of tears,"Mike did...I was too unstable to do anything by the time you had passed out. How do you feel?"
I shrug my right shoulder,"Not too bad. Come here. I've been meaning to give you this all morning."
She stands up from where she was sitting in the chair at my left,"O-okay?"
I chuckle,"On the stand.. there's a small box. Can you hand it here, please?"
She hands the box to me.
I smile and take the box,"Eren Antonio Wakefield," I flip the box open to reveal a ring,"will you make me the happiest man alive and go out with me?"

[Eren's point of view.]

I stand there, a sudden wave of happiness crashing over me,"Yes, Rob. I will!"
Rob slides the ring onto my finger.
I smile,"Where did you get such a beautiful ring?"
"I've been saving it, but it's been depressing me with how quickly it's been sitting in a random drawer in my dresser, just collecting dust. So last night, I was going to pop the question, but the timing felt all wrong. we are."
I smile and kiss Rob, temporarily throwing caution to the wind,"I love you, Robert Bourdon. I hope you never forget that."
Rob smiles slightly,"I know. And I hope you never forget that I'd walk through hell and kick Satan's ass with one hand tied behind my back for you."
I smile, tears of joy threatening to spill over.

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