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A calm, familiar voice.
I lay there, not wanting to open my eyes. Not wanting to see Chester's beaten body lying in the corner. Not wanting to say anything.
The voice again.
"She's either asleep, or turned into a mute."
I open my eyes, my lifeless gaze aimed at the ceiling.
Jordana looks at me,"Eren?"
I look at her.
She smiles slightly,"Hey. How are you feeling?"
I lay there, not saying anything.
"Listen. I heard that they managed to break you. Is this true?"
I nod.
Andre lays his hand on my shoulder,"We're here if you need us."
I lay there, deciding only to say one word, "Chester....."
Jordana sighs,"He's in pretty bad shape, Eren."
I sit up,"I want to see him."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
I stand up, fighting against my weak legs,"I want to see him."
"Andre, help me carry her."
He picks me up,"I got her. Lead the way."

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