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I open my eyes to find myself standing in a damp basement,"Chester. You in?"
His voice. Beside me.
Jordana smiles and holds up two white gloves,"Energy amplification gloves. Modified, of course."
A large colored man by the name of Andre speaks up from his seat beside a large workbench,"They are now energy restraint gloves. The interface melds into the wearer's neural network, allowing the wearer to control the reaction of the glove. Use these against the patrols to drain them of their energy. Start the resistance."
Jordana tosses the gloves to Chester and I.
I catch mine and slide it onto my left hand, my arm stinging as soon as the glove powers up. Chester does the same, except he slides his onto his right.
I grit my teeth as I feel the glove link with my brain.
Just then, Andre picks up a small camera,"Welcome to the resistance, ladies."
I straighten up,"So what? We are the poster children of this whole scheme?"
Andre clicks the button, taking my picture,"Yep. I'm gonna blow your minds," he snaps a picture of Chester before turning and plugging the camera into a hidden computer.
I look down at my hand, my fingers flexing in response,"I could get used to this type of power."
Jordana flashes me a warning look,"Chester is your commander. Listen to him. Don't do anything stupid, Soldier Wakefield."
Chester smiles, a boyish gleam in his uncovered eye,"Sweet. This is just like the game we created!"
Andre whistles,"Hey. You three want to see the new posters?"
I walk over to him, barely aware of a slight burning feeling in my left arm,"Sweet. I like how you merged the two faces. What with my forehead bandaged and Chester's eye covered. I like it."
Jordana smiles,"We need a motto."
Chester smiles,"Simple. Join us."
Andre nods and punches a few keys.
The words show up in silver lettering that looks like it's melting down the picture.
I flex my arm, trying to register the new feeling.
Chester smiles,"Wanna go to my place to get a change of clothes?"
I nod,"Jordana, can you drive us to his house?"
"Yeah. Pack a few bags. Y'alls are crashing at my place."

[Five minutes later.]

I step out of Jordana's black Chevy Malibu and sprint to the door of Chester's house, my left hand pressed against my stomach, not wanting the bright red core to flash and alert any passing Patrols, my voice a harsh rasp,"Chester. Cover your glove. The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end. We're being watched."
Chester quickly unlocks the door.
Twig snaps.
I spin on my heel and unleash a blind crystal shot.
A body hits the ground behind Jordana's car.
Chester waves, his voice low,"Jordana. Meet us out back at the bottom of the hill."
I turn and sprint inside.
Chester slams the door behind him,"Dang it, Eren!!! We weren't supposed to engage yet!!!"
I pick up a black jacket and slide it on, pulling the hood onto my head,"I'm sorry, okay? I don't handle noises in the dark very well!"
Chester sighs and tosses a loaded bag at me,"Sling that over your shoulders. We gotta go."
I nod and follow him to the back door.
He stops before opening it,"We stay in the shadows. They move by the light. You get caught, scream. Okay?"
I nod.
He opens the door,"Go. I'll meet you there."
I nod and move out the door, jump a low hedge, and drop to my stomach, crawling down the hill, unaware of the Hybrid Patroller on the roof of the house.
The Hybrid drops, pinning me to the ground.
A pained cry escapes my throat,"Chester! They got me!!!"
Chester runs over, the green core of his glove blazing hot, "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" He slams the Hybrid to the ground, green fire surging between him and the Hybrid.
I groan softly and force myself to my knees, tears in my eyes.
Chester picks me up,"Come on. Cry later."
I look at him,"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"That thing you did with the fire."
He starts running down the hill,"I think I drained him."
I look up,"Chester. Hover planes!!"
A blinding light washes over us.
Chester yells,"Jordana!!! Open the door!!!"
She opens the door,"Get in!!!"
Chester jumps in, unceremoniously throwing me into the back.
I grunt as I sit up,"Jordana. What was that thing!?"
She looks at me in the rearview mirror,"That, my friend, was a Hybrid."
"What do they want?"
"They want our energy. They were created to outlaw our music and arrest anyone who didn't comply, but they soon grew tired, their lust for power insatiable."
Chester looks back at me, his breathing heavy,"You okay? You got slammed pretty hard."
I run my hand across my forehead, my glove coming away with blood on the fingers,"Oh God."
Chester fights back his jerking stomach,"Jordana, her head tore open."

[Ten minutes later. Jordana's house.]

Chester taps my cheeks softly,"Hey. Wake up."
I groan and look around,"Where am I?"
"You tore your head open. We had to patch you up."
I slowly sit up to find myself laying in the middle of a queen size bed, covered by satin sheets, my boots, hoodie, and glove piled neatly by the small bedside stand,"Did you run into any more Hybrids?"
I look down at my left hand, then back up at Chester,"Can I ask you a favor?"
"Lay with me. Please."
Chester draws a heavy breath in through his teeth,"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Not like that. I mean as a protector. I'm too weak to fight."
He sits down on the edge of the bed and kicks off his shoes.
I smile weakly,"Thanks."
He smiles and lays down beside me,"No problem."

Hybrid Theory: A [Linkin Park] Spinoff.Where stories live. Discover now