Dead By Sunrise.

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I slowly open my eyes to find myself wrapped in the multiple blankets that make up my, 'cave' of sorts, a line of cold sweat along my forehead, my mouth uncomfortably dry,"Ugh......I better get some water."
Mike speaks up,"Morning."
I drop out of my bunk,"Yep."
"Kind of."
"How's the rebellion going?"
I shrug,"Meh....."
Mike sits up,"Awh. Is someone having twins?"
I sigh, mentally fuming over my own issue of talking in my sleep,Yeah, because you'll never have kids with him.
Mike holds up his phone,"Your earpiece, is linked not only to Phoenix's laptop, but also my phone."
I walk out, the bottle of pills and razor blade clicking softly in my pocket.
Chester scrambles out of bed,"Eren! Wait!"
I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me,"Maybe this can all be stopped."
Chester beats on the door,"Eren!!! Open up!!!!"
I sigh and open the bottle of pills, counting out exactly how many I would need for a full fledged attack of insanity.
Mike kicks the door in,"Drop the bottle!!!"
I stand there, tears in my eyes,"Why? Why should I have to live with this? No one understands. All of you make jokes about this. Knowing all too well that I still go through the exact same thing Chester does. Yet no one cares!!"
Chester walks over to me,"Eren. Calm down. You don't have to do this."
I look at him,"Really? Coming from the guy who almost died from cocaine?"
He stands there, cut by the truth of my words,"I...I....."
I fall back against the wall, my entire body numb and cold.
Chester takes me in his arms, his voice soft,"I've seen her smiling. The sunlight's shining on her now. She wouldn't stay here. She knows, you won't let her down."
Mike adds his voice to the silence,"No matter what you think you did wrong, she knew she had to go all along."
I sigh and drop the razor blade.
Mike picks it up, carefully snapping it between his index finger and thumb.
Chester picks me up,"I've seen her shining. The sunlight's crying for her now! She wouldn't stay here!!! She knows, you won't let her down."
I sigh and close my eyes, my heart empty and hollow.
Chester carries me out to the living room,"I hate to do this, but until we can be sure that you won't try and pull another me, you'll have to sleep on the couch, with at least one of us having a watch over you."
I mumble,"Whatever."

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