Fly With Me Under The Wings I Gave You.

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"She's coming around."
"Don't let her move."
"She lost too much blood."
I groan,"Eliza? Chester?"
Another voice.
"She's suffering from being in limbo. Once the transfused blood mixes with hers, she'll even out."
My mind starts to sharpen as I focus on Alyssa's helmet,"The helmet. Where is it?"
Another voice. Male. Too hard to tell who it belongs to.
"Eren. You need to rest. I'll give you the helmet later."
I open my eyes,"Chester. There's something under the headband..I need to see it."
"You need to rest. Let your blood settle."
I sit up, too stubborn to swallow my pride,"Chester. We both know that I'm too stubborn to take orders very well. Now hand me the helmet."
"Ugh. Okay. Fine." He tosses the helmet.
I catch it,"Now. She said under the headband...but there is only an elastic band that holds her forestry goggles onto it..."
"Yeah. Looking for these?" Chester holds up a faded and worn picture, as well as a bright, highly polished silver badge.
I look at him,"Yeah. Those are it..."
"The picture is of you, Mark... and..... some woman with back-length blonde hair?"
I stammer,"Alyssa Hashimoto.....I remember...she used to be my dad's biggest fan..."
Chester smiles and hands me the picture,"Here."
I take it, a cold edge running down my spine.
He turns the badge over in his hands,"This is a Virginia fire/rescue squad seal."
I smile as I read the back of the picture, "Alyssa Hashimoto, Eren Wakefield, Mark Wakefield. Three peas in a pod."
A pained whimper from my left.
"Miss Eren? Mom?"
I stand up despite my weak legs and aching muscles,"Don't worry, Eliza. It's okay."
She whimpers softly,"I'm scared.."
I walk over to where she is laying, my shirt still wrapped around her,"I got you." I pick her up, careful not to overwork the muscles in my left forearm.
She looks at me, her hazel eyes lined with tears,"I'm scared. I miss my mom."
I smile and hold her tightly,"Eliza, can you tell me your dad's phone number?"
"My dad left one day and never came back... He said he never wanted anything to do with my mom and I ever again."
Chester shakes his head, "Doc. How hard would it be to get some adoption papers?"
"Not very hard. But the background checks are extremely extensive. Why?"
"I have a friend who is in a relationship which doesn't allow him and the other person to conceive... and it depresses me to no end."
"Okay. What is your friend's name?"
"Mike Shinoda."
"Wait. Are you Chester Bennington?"
"My daughter is so crazy about you two."
I smile as I place Eliza on my shoulders, my neck awkwardly between her legs,"You want a piggyback ride?"
She laughs,"Yeah!!"
I grab her knees and start running around the room.

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