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[A few hours later. Eren's point of view.]

I slowly open my eyes, blinded by the mid-afternoon twilight that is flooding into the room, a soft groan escapes my throat,"Rob... Close the curtains. Please."
The sharp click of my rifle's safety, followed by the groan of a rusted metal lawn chair.
Rob's voice, "Eren. Relax. I was keeping watch."
I look towards where I heard the sounds to find the grey silhouette that is Rob, leaning back in a folding lawn chair, my rifle cradled in his arms, his entire outline edged in blinding and beautiful gold light,"Why?"
"Mike and Chester spotted Shintuo about a block away from here about an hour ago. He comes in range, and I'll blow his head in."
I sigh as I slowly sit up,"Rob. How long have you been sitting there?"
"Four hours straight. Why?"
"Stand up, set the rifle down, and do me a favor."
"Kick your own ass. You need sleep. You barely slept last night because you were worried about me, you barely slept the night before because you couldn't get comfortable on the floor in Mike's living room... and you've been sitting there for four hours holding a loaded gun. I heard you almost fall asleep three different times. Get over here."
Rob slowly stands up, pitifully attempting to not stumble,"Dear God, my legs fell asleep."
I shake my head as I make room for Rob in the large king sized mattress,"Simple idiot."
He sighs as he flops down beside me,"You gonna keep watch?"
I nod,"I guess so."
Rob drops my rifle to the floor,"Thanks. I'm exhausted."
I sigh as I pull one of the thick, heavy comforters over him before standing up,"Because I can go long periods of time without sleep, I'll keep watch during the night, or whenever you get tired. Sound like a plan?"
He grunts,"Sure. Knock yourself out. Imma crash."
I sigh as I pick the rifle up and move towards the window, "I've seen the blood, I've seen the broken. The lost and the sights unseen."
Rob snores softly, already dead to the world.
Out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of a flash of movement,"The hell?"
The flash comes again, slow, deliberate.
I slowly raise the rifle to my shoulder, waiting for the figure to move again.

"One Mississippi..... two Mississippi..three Mississippi."

The figure moves again, this time, slow enough to allow me to sight in.
I switch to the long distance scope on my rifle, watching as the figure's face comes into sharp focus.

"One.... two..three..." CRACK!!

My rifle barks and I feel my shoulder jerk from the recoil.
I breathe heavily,"Hah. Never saw it coming. Nice work you did."
Rob sits straight up,"What the fuck!?"
I stand in the window, watching the sprawled out figure, deciding whether I need to take another shot, completely oblivious to both my throbbing shoulder, or the sudden heat beside me,"Come on, fucker. Move. Just an inch. That's all I'm asking. Just enough movement to let me know that you are still alive, asswipe. Come on...move. My trigger finger is itching like crazy."
Rob's voice, followed by his hands on my wrists,"Eren. What the hell did you do?"
I look at Rob, "I cut Shintuo down, obviously."
"From this distance!? You killed him!?"
I smile slightly,"Well no. He's asleep. Yes I killed his ass!"
"Nice shot. Mike would be impressed."
I shrug,"Meh. Never had any military training in my life, and yet I still managed to pull that off. Nothing special. Just a stroke of luck."
"That was more than just a stroke of luck, Eren. You know this."
"Rob. I'm no sniper. You know that as well as I do. I had to use my Spec-5 scope just to see Shintuo. It was nothing more than a potshot. You know this, even if you didn't see it happen."
Rob smiles,"Say what you want. Mike would definitely be impressed. Hell, I'm impressed, and I didn't see you make the shot."
I look up at Rob, mentally fangirling because of his long, unkempt brown hair, and his eyes... God!!! His eyes!!! I could fucking get lost in them, and not even the hunting party could find me!!! "Y-you are?"
"Well, yeah! That's hardcore as hell!!"
I smile,"Th-thanks, Rob. That means a lot to me."
In a matter of seconds, I find myself being held tight against Rob's chest, feeling him literally sniffing my hair.

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