Across The Line.

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I somehow manage to find myself pacing the hallway leading to the operating room, my thoughts turning to exactly why I was in Chester's truck to begin with, and exactly what led to me agreeing to let him take me to wherever.
A young nurse walks up to me, stopping me in mid-step,"Excuse me, Mam, but do you need help with anything?"
I look at her,"No, Mam. Just clearing my thoughts. I find that pacing back and forth in front of a room where I've witnessed a tragic event helps to calm me."
She looks down at my right wrist, her eyes flashing as she sees the plastic bracelet on my arm,"You're that girl whose father died about a few weeks ago."
I nod,"Yep. And all due respect, but I'd rather not talk about it."
The nurse smiles,"Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water? A sandwich or something?"
I shake my head and continue pacing, Mentally disoriented.... yeah. That's what I am. God!!! That nurse is dumber than a box of rocks!!!! I'm standing here, pacing back and forth in front of the room where I saw my father for the last time, and she thinks it's completely normal!!!
Jordana runs up to me,"Eren... you have to come with me...I found something on your records. I'm kinda concerned."
I look at her,"I'd like to be able to continue my self-pity session."
"This is important. You seriously need to see this."
I sigh,"What could be so important!?"
Jordana looks at me,"Just come on."
I look at her, not realizing that I'm on the verge of another breakdown,"What is so important that I can't have five minutes to myself, just to make sure I don't go crazy!!??!!"
"Eren. I'm sorry, but we were wrong about how many children you are having. Instead of having twins, you are having triplets."
I look at her, my entire upper body shaking violently,"I'm having what!?"
I drop to my knees, my head in my hands,"How could you be wrong about something like this??"
"It happens. I'm sorry."
I sit there, half crying, half laughing,"How. How does something like this happen?"
I slowly pull my hands away from my face, gazing at the blood on the fingers of my glove, a psychotic gleam in my eyes.
Jordana starts running,"No. Eren. Calm down."
I slowly stand up,"You can't outrun your mistakes forever!"
"Over by the operating room."
"We need to sedate her."
"Sir. She's pregnant."
"Then that's all the more reason to sedate her."
I lean back hard against the wall, sinking into a sitting position, my head pounding.
Everything goes black.

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