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[Ten-thirty. Alex's point of view.]

What the hell is on top of me? I open my eyes to find myself sprawled on the floor, covered by what I can only guess was someone's comforter from their bed.
A strong but non-threatening scent meets my broken nose.
I slowly sit up, This is Phoenix's comforter. Why'd he give it to me to use?
Guitar music from the back of the bus, low, sounds more like an electric bass.
A voice.
"Some nights I stay up, cashing in my bad luck."
I stand up, a soft heat creeping up to my ears, That voice. I heard it last night. Who the hell does it belong to!?
Realization hits me as I find myself moving towards the studio at the back of the bus, PHOENIX! THAT'S HIS VOICE!!
I slowly open the door to find Phoenix sitting on an overturned five gallon bucket, his guitar cradled in his arms, my voice catches in my throat,"C-could you t-teach me to play t-that?"
He smiles as he looks at me,"Yeah. Come on in. None of the others are up yet, so we have to keep it down, though."
I slowly will my legs to work, moving into the studio, softly closing the door behind me,"What song were you just playing?"
"Some Nights by FUN. Why?"
I sit down in front of him," They should stick a mic in front of your face more often."
Phoenix chuckles and shakes his head,"Nah. They shouldn't. Anyway. You ever held a bass guitar before?"
"No, sir. I haven't."
"Well stand up. You can't hold it right when you sit down."
I stand up, This is it. It's either now or never.
"Come here, Alex."
I walk over to him,"I know why you gave me your comforter."
Phoenix looks at me, his eyes bright,"Really? Enlighten me."
I swallow hard,"You have feelings for me. Don't you?"
"Nope. It was just too heavy for me."
I close my eyes,"Don't lie. I saw how you looked at me. And I want to know if you are really the gentle one that they say you are."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
I stand there, a sudden, furious heat running up the back of my neck,"I don't care." I place my left hand on Phoenix's cheek,"I want to feel it."
Phoenix looks at me,"A-alex. I don't think we should do this...."
I kiss him.
His eyes widen.

[Eren's point of view.]

I groan and open my eyes, clearly irritated by the constant sound of someone hitting the wall that is coming from the studio,"What the hell is going on in there?"
Faint, muffled voices.
"Ah. Be careful. My nose is broken."
"Sorry. You should have warned me."
I press my right ear against the wall, trying to pick up the sounds that are getting lost in the sound-proof wall,"The hell? That's Alex.... but who is it with him?"
Brad grunts,"Anyone seen Dave?"
I swallow hard,"Brad. I know where Phoenix is at."
"In the studio."
"What's he doing?"
"You.... don't want to know. Trust me."
"Is it just him in there?"
I shake my head,"Not a snowball's chance in hell."
"Who's in there with him?"
I fight back tears as I drop from my bunk and walk out, moving towards the kitchen, Why? Why is he doing this to me!?
Brad walks out after me,"Eren. May I ask what you are going to do?"
I sigh and stop walking,"I'm going to make something to eat. You want something?"
"How well can you make pancakes?"
I smile,"You are brave enough to ask for Eren Wakefield's world famous pancakes!?"
"Well, yeah! I like pancakes. What can I say?"
I laugh, "I'm gonna blow your mind."
Brad laughs,"I don't have too much of a mind left."
My voice cracks as I change the subject,"Brad. You need a new jacket, right?"
"Yeah. Why?"
I quickly take off Alex's hoodie,"Here. I don't need it anymore. And besides, I think it would look better on you. My shoulders are too broad."
Brad smiles and walks over to me,"You have your dad's shoulders. The hoodie looks fine on you."
I fight back a heavy sob,"Brad. Take it. I can't stand the feel of the fabric. Not now at least."
"It's because it reminds you of Alex, isn't it?"
I nod slowly as I look at the floor,"I never thought he'd do this. His obsession never bothered me, but this... this killed part of me!"
Brad takes me in his arms,"Ere. It's fine. I understand your pain. Go ahead and cry if you need to."
I sigh, my voice breaking pitifully,"I don't know just doesn't seem like I should be going through this....I don't want to keep living like this."
"I know. It's just that the worst shit happens to the strongest people."
I throw my arms around his waist, letting the tears fall,"Brad. I can't take this...I can't take all the lies. The betrayal. The heartbreak. I can't take it..."
"Hey. Everything will work out in time."

[Alex's point of view.]

I breathe heavily as I pull my shorts on, "God.... that was...."
Phoenix stands there, already fully dressed, glaring down at his shoes,"Go. Just get out of here."
I sigh as I pick my shirt up off the floor,"Why? Can't stand the sight of me now?"
"Just. Go. I need to clean all this up. In case you don't know, it now smells like a tenth grade gym class in here."
"Okay. Whatever." I pull my shirt on and walk out.

[Phoenix's point of view.]

I sigh, unable to stand the stench of my latest failure,"Why? Why did I let him push me like that!?"
A voice from the other side of the door.
"Phoenix? You cool in there?"
I breathe heavily,"No Chester. I'm not."
"What's wrong?"
I walk over towards the door,"Promise me that you won't tell the others. Okay?"
"Yeah. I won't say a word."
I uneasily open the door,"Chester. It was Alex....he....."
I guess Chester knew what I meant, because the next moment, I find myself standing there, completely numb, barely aware that Chester is doing another one of his brother hugs.
Chester smiles,"Don't worry. If Alex asks again, just say no."
I shake my head,"Chester. You don't understand. I didn't try and stop him."
Chester's smile drops,"You. Didn't try and stop him?"
I look down at the floor, my mind drifting to the lyrics to Points Of Authority, completely unaware that my mouth is moving, "You love the way, I look at you. While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through. You take away, when I give in. My life, my pride is broken."
Chester looks at me,"You okay?"
I look at him,"No. But I have an idea for the next gig."
Chester's smile returns, this time twice as bright,"Really? What is it?"
"I'll need you to run it by the others, but I think Eren, Alex, and I should play Headstrong as a cover."
The sound of a shattering plate from the kitchen, followed by the sound of someone being pinned against a wall.
Voices, blurred, frantic Russian.

I stand there, a fresh wave of anger washing over me,"Chaz. Move. Please."
Chester backs out of my way.
I walk out, a furious yell forcing its way from my mouth,"I DID WHAT!?"
I storm into the kitchen, grabbing Alex by his neck,"You listen here, you little fucking snake. I said that I don't have feelings for you. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT! UNDERSTAND!?"
Alex nods, coughing through the suffocation.
I loosen my grip just enough to let him breathe,"We will continue with the guitar lessons, but you DO NOT speak to me unless I address you first. You DO NOT call me anything other than Dave. Do you understand!?"
Alex rasps,"Y-yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Damn right it won't." I let go, letting Alex fall to the floor.

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