Higher Than The Sun.

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[At the hospital.]

I sigh, waiting for the doctor to figure out what he is doing, "Doctor Bakura. I can already tell you that my thumb is broken."
The young doctor cringes as he inspects the boot print on my hand,"I recognize this print."
"Shing Chi did it."
"Shing Chi is my half-brother. No wonder you got in here so fast."
I smile,"Yep."
Bakura looks at me,"Now. Miss Wakefield. Upon cleaning your wounds, I have noticed that your abdomen is larger than what your records indicate. Is there a certain reason for this?"
I nod,"Yes sir. There is. I'm pregnant."
He looks at Jordana,"How did you get past the first checkpoint?"
Jordana shrugs casually,"She told the guard the exact same thing she just told you."
Bakura smiles, his brown eyes shining,"May I ask about the cloth around your forehead?"
I reach up to the knot at the back of my head and untie it, the cloth falling into my lap,"The scar from the car crash that killed my father."
"You are the girl who shocked an entire nation in a matter of minutes."
I smile,"Thanks for noticing, but I'm not the only one."
Bakura smiles,"Of course not. Erenington is the story that melted the hearts of the nation."
I smile,"Yep. It sure is."
"So. Where is the lucky father?"
I smile,"He's enjoying his freedom."
Just then, the E.R. doors burst open, followed by a flurry of activity and voices,"Seventeen. Male. Shot in the chest. Forty-two. Male. Head injury."
My heart stops, Chester!?
The gloved hand and arm hanging over the side of the gurney confirms my fears.
I rush over to him,"Chester?"
He looks at me, his eye glassed over,"Eren. I'm sorry. They stormed the house. I couldn't stop them."
I take his hand, tears threatening to spill over,"No. Don't close your eyes. Focus on my eyes. Stay awake. Please."
Chester looks at me, our gazes meeting,"Eren...."
I smile,"Chester. You can do this." I press my left hand against the wound,"You can do this. You have to. Not just for me, but for Charles and Mark."
He looks at me, my name barely falls from his lips,"Eren...."
I drop to my knees,"Chester... please. You have to make it."
"Get him into the O.R. Stat."

[Two hours later.]

"Chester Bennington?"
I jump up from my seat in the waiting room,"Is he okay?"
The surgeon shakes his head,"For now. He's in intensive care. It'll be a miracle if he survives the night."
I stand there, my heart dropping painfully,"No.... He has to survive...he has to."
"You can come see him if you'd like."
I nod,"Yes. I would."
The surgeon starts down the hall heading towards an elevator.
I follow him.

[Five minutes later.]

I numbly take Chester's hand, my insides dying as I feel his cold skin.
Beeping becomes steadier.
I stand there, letting the tears silently fall.
A grip on my hand.
I shake my head,"Chester. Please. You have to make it through the night."
A soft groan,"E-eren?"
I smile slightly, my eyes lined with tears,"Chester?"
"Eren? Where are you? I can't feel anything."
"I'm right here beside you." I place his hand over my heart,"Can you feel that?"
"Y-yeah. It's your heartbeat, isn't it?"
I smile,"Yes. It is."
"Where's Andre?"
"I don't know. I don't really care. All that matters is that I'm here and you're here."
"I.... I...."
I smile,"Open your eyes."
Chester opens his eyes,"Eren. Come closer. I can hardly see."
I lean down,"I'm here. Relax."
He smiles,"You were the only thing that kept me alive. I hope you know how hard it was to just be there, looking at myself on the operating table, part of me saying to just move on, but the biggest part of me saying to stay with you."
"I've heard that it's a pretty heavy feeling."
Chester kisses me, clearly not stopped by the multiple tubes and wires that have invaded his space and skin.
I shiver and return his embrace.
Voices and applause surround us.
"Good job on the surgery, Doctor Nelson."
"That's so heartwarming."
"Patient is stable. We can move him to a regular room."

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