Chapter 6

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"Danny, wake up," Adam demanded, shaking Danny awake.

"Wha-?" Danny exclaimed in alarm.

"Hurry up look outside!" Adam replied, pulling Danny out of bed and to the window.

"Adam!" Danny shouted as he looked out the window. There, on his front lawn, were two kittens. He smiled slightly, he was no longer mad at Adam for waking him up.

"Aren't they cute?" Adam asked.

"What time is it?" Danny questioned, looking at the slightly risen sun.

"Around 3 in the morning," Adam replied, looking longingly at the kittens.

"Do you want to go pet them?" Danny sighed, smiling at Adam as his face brightened.

"Can we?" Adam asked excitedly. Danny nodded and the two went downstairs.

"We should bring them food," Danny suggested.

"What if they run off?" Adam asked. Danny ruffled his hair and got the chicken nuggets from last night's dinner out of the fridge.

"If they run off at least we can say we tried," Danny replied, holding the door open for Adam.

"Pssspssspsss. Here kitty," Adam cooed, holding his hand out gently.

"We brought food," Danny explained, tossing a piece of chicken toward the kittens. There were two, an all black kitten and a fluffy light orange kitten. The black kitten was the first to run to the food. The orange one didn't even seem to notice that there was food.

"They're so cute," Adam gushed, reaching out to pet the black kitten as it came over to Danny for more food.

"Here," Danny said, giving Adam some food to feed to the orange kitten. "Go see if you can get that one to eat."

"Ok," Adam replied happily as he slowly walked over to the orange kitten. It mewed at him and rubbed against his leg once it smelled the food in his hand. "Danny, this one likes me!"

"I see that," Danny smiled. He wasn't much of a cat person but if the small creatures could bring a smile to Adam, he was willing to make an exception. Once the kittens had eaten all they could, Adam laid down on the grass. The orange kitten came and laid down next to him, just under his chin. The black kitten saw it's sibling sleeping peacefully and trotted over to join, laying by Adam's chest. Adam smiled.

"I made friends," Adam whispered, looking up at Danny.

"You're adorable,"Danny stated, blushing at the realization of what he had said. Adam blushed and looked down at the kittens once again.

"What on earth are you two doing out here?" Danny's mom asked, her voice rising. She looked down at Adam and noticed the two balls of fluff curled up next to him. "Oh, I understand. Did you feed them?"

"Yeah," Danny replied. Adam nodded.

"Bring them inside. It's too early for you boys to be out here," she demanded.

"We're keeping them?" Danny asked, shocked that his mother would suggest such an idea.

"We can keep ONE, if you want," she answered, her voice firm. "Now both of you get to bed. I have to paint the perfect painting!"

"At 3 in the morning?" Adam asked.

"Inspiration comes when it wants to," she replied. The boys nodded and carried the kittens up to Danny's room.

"Where will the other kitten go?" Adam asked, looking down at the small orange kitten.

"Can't you take it?" Danny asked.

"No, dad hates cats," Adam replied sadly.

"I'll talk Ma into letting yours stay here instead of going into a shelter," Danny offered.

"Thanks Danny," Adam said, smiling at the orange kitten. Danny loved hearing his name on Adam's lips. It sent a shiver up his spine. He watched Adam lay back down and fall asleep with the fluffy orange kitten snuggled up next to him.

'I wish I could snuggle up to him,' he thought as the black kitten climbed onto his bed and curled up by his arm. Danny smiled and let sleep engulf him.

In the morning Danny's mother was smiling as she cooked eggs and bacon for everyone, including the kittens.

"What did you boys name them?" she asked.

"Well I named the black one Jake," Danny replied.

"I named the orange one Chance. She's a girl," Adam answered, smiling at Danny's mom.

"Those are wonderful names," she said. "Adam. Your father called earlier. He wants you home after breakfast."

"Oh. Ok. Thanks," Adam sighed. He didn't want to leave Danny or the kittens just yet.

After breakfast Danny's mom gave Adam his clean clothes from the day before. She always washed his clothes so he could wear them the next day. Adam got changed and then went to say goodbye to everyone.

"Goodbye Chance. Goodbye Jake," he smiled, petting each of their heads softly. "Goodbye Danny. I'll see you tomorrow if my dad doesn't kill me."

"Let's hope he doesn't," Danny replied, feeling guilty for giving Adam a reason to skip class. Adam hugged him and smiled before walking out the door and walking home.

"Danny?" his mother asked. Danny hadn't realized the tears that had begun to form in his eyes.

"I'm fine Ma. I'm going to go upstairs and lay down a bit. I don't really feel good," Danny replied, hoping Adam wouldn't get into trouble because of him  

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