Part 2 - Chapter 18

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He raised the trinket up to his face as the walls he had built came tumbling down. He felt everything all over again. All the love he had for Adam, all the pain he had when he had to let him go, and all the anger he had at himself for not going with him came flooding back to him.

"Danny?" Adam asked softly. Danny looked up and smiled. He wasn't letting Adam leave alone again.

"Help me put it back on," Danny whispered. Adam smiled as he tied the bracelet onto Danny's wrist. Danny hugged Adam tightly.

"I'm glad you finally came back," Danny's mother beamed, "you two belong together like two peas in a pod."

"Danny? You asked me once before and I kind of blew it. It's been five years. I'm sure you've changed and everything. I'm sure there's things about you that I don't know anymore," Adam explained, "I'm sure it'll take you awhile to get over him. I'm not saying we should just jump into a relationship. I'm saying that I'll wait. For as long as I have to. It's only fair. I made you wait, so I should too. I don't know if we'll make it. I don't know if I can make life easier. I do know that I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what. I know it's rushed but, I love you Danny. I love you so much. When I was 18 it was so hard to say. I was so scared of what everyone would think. As the years passed I grew and came to terms with who I am. It's ok to love you. Even if it weren't, I'd still love you."

Danny began to cry. He had waited for years to hear him say that. He wrapped Adam in a tight hug and cried into his shoulder. He was so confused. What was he supposed to say? He loved Adam, but he loved Matt too. Matt was there for him when Adam left. He was the one who convinced him to take his medicine. He was the one willing to stand by him.

Yet, so was Adam. Adam was his friend when everyone else left him to fend for himself. He was there when Danny needed a shoulder, unless things got too hard. Danny was afraid. Matt had promised to never leave him. Would Adam promise the same? Would Adam be able to keep his promise?

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