Part 2 - Chapter 9

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"Danny baby. Can you come see the tablecloths? I want to make sure they're spectacular enough," Matt smiled, tugging Danny away from his computer screen.

"Matt, I have to finish this design. Otherwise I'll never get to be an art teacher," Danny replied, pulling away to get back to his computer.

"It'll just take a minute," Matt pleaded. Danny sighed and walked into the kitchen to look at the tablecloths. He was happy about the wedding but, lately, that was all anyone would talk about. "So which one?"

"The lace one is pretty," Danny remarked as he pointed at it.

"Are you just saying that because you want to get back to your college?" Matt asked. Danny smiled.

"No. I really like it, and I want to get back to my college," Danny smirked. Matt couldn't help but smile.

"Alright then. Get going," he remarked, slapping Danny's butt as he walked away.

"What was that for?" Danny grinned.

"It was just because I can," Matt replied. He winked at Danny, slightly hoping to take him upstairs.

"Two can play at that game!" Danny replied as he rushed at Matt. The two wrestled to the ground and Danny pinned Matt down. He gently kissed him and ran his fingers lightly through his hair.

"What's gotten into you?" Matt asked, looking into Danny's eyes.

"Nothing. I just want to remember your face," Danny whispered. He placed another kiss on Matt's lips before getting up and going back to work on his design.

"Do you need any help?" Matt asked, sitting down next to him. Danny turned the computer to face Matt.

"How's it look so far? It's supposed to be an evil badge," Danny explained. Matt looked at the image for awhile. It was a green snake, coiled around a bottle of poison.

"It looks cool," he finally said.

"Just cool?" Danny asked. He was slightly offended. How was it just 'cool'?

"Well you know I'm not big on art like you are. I don't see the symbolism," Matt explained. Danny nodded.

"I know. It's ok," he replied. Matt kissed his cheek lovingly.

"It looks amazing dear," he said. Matt took Danny's hand and kissed it sweetly before leaving the room and going upstairs. Danny looked at his serpent. It was a damn good serpent. Danny submitted the image to his class and hoped they liked it as much as he did. He smiled to himself.

He was getting married in five months. He would be a father in just five months. Suddenly, he felt as if his future were like a clock. It was counting down the moments he had left until he had to be an adult. In truth, he wasn't ready to be a dad. The thought terrified him. However, he loved Matt. He loved him so much that he was willing to be like a father to his child, no matter how scared he was.

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