Part 3 - Chapter 11

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Adam watched nervously as the mailwoman brought the mail to the door and pushed it into the mail slot. His eyes bulged out of his eyes as he stared at an envelope addressed to 'Mr. and Mr. Foster.' It was from the Wyoming Happy Homes Agency. Adam's breath caught in his throat. It was the letter he'd been waiting for for almost a full month. He wanted to rip into it but he had to wait until Danny got home. He looked at the clock, 12:04 P.M.

He shook with excitement. He had to do anything to occupy his mind. If he stared at the letter any longer, he was sure he'd open it. Quickly, he grabbed his phone and dialed Danny's mom's number.

"Hello?" she asked, her voice cheerful.

"Hey mom," Adam greeted, trying not to look at the envelope.

"Hey Adam! How's the adoption going?"

"Well a letter just came in. I'm trying so hard to not open it. Danny's not back from work yet."

"Oh! I'm so excited! I'm getting on the first plane out there!"

"You don't have to."

"Well I'm not letting you two get the good news without me being there to celebrate as well!"

"Alright then," Adam laughed, "I'll be waiting then."

"Don't open it without me!" she called out. Adam laughed.

"See you soon," he replied as he heard the click of the phone. He was excited. Not only was someone coming over, but now he had a reason to go Mr. Clean on the entire house.

Once he was done cleaning even the darkest corners of the house he looked at the clock. 2:32. Danny would be home any minute. Anxiously, he stood by the door, trying to make Danny appear with his mind. Finally, he heard Danny's car pull into the driveway. Adam squeaked in excitement, then paused and blushed at how girlish he sounded.

"Adam?" Danny asked, "What are you doing in front of the door?"

"We got a letter!" Adam blurted.


"But we have to wait for mom. She's on her way."

"Wait. We got an actual letter?" Danny's voice was filled with anxiety.


"Oh my God! Did you open it?"

"No. I was waiting for you and your mom."

"How long do you think she'll be?"

"About another hour."

"So then we have time."

"For what?"

"To celebrate!" Danny wrapped his arms around Adam and lifted him into the air. Adam let out a squeal of surprise.

"No! I just cleaned!"

"Oh shut up and dance!" Danny put Adam down and started to pull him into a dance. Adam laughed.

"There's no music."

"Then we'll make our own." Danny spun Adam around as  he led him into the living room and began humming their wedding song.

"You're adorable."

"I know." Danny kissed Adam gently. They continued to dance and hum until there was a small knock on the door. Adam pulled away from Danny's embrace to open the door. There, in the doorway, stood Danny's mom. She was wearing a white and blue striped sweater, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of dark brown knee-high boots.

"How you two can live here in the snow, I'll never understand." She laughed, walking into the warm foyer.

"So can we open it now?" Adam piped up, looking towards the coffee table where the letter lay.

"Let's go! Come on! I'm so excited!" she exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her excitedly.

Danny picked up the letter and opened it halfway before handing it to Adam. Adam smiled and opened it fully. He pulled the papers out of the envelope and held his breath. Everyone was anxious.

Danny and Adam read the letter aloud.

"Dear the Foster family,

We are very pleased at your decision to adopt and we're honored to be the agency you've chosen. We've read over your application and regret to inform you that there aren't any infants up for adoption at the moment. However, you will be put on the list and your profile will be put on our website to ensure you two will get an infant soon. A caseworker will be by the house sometime during the weeks following this letter to ensure your home is suitable for children. If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail us at We hope to hear from you and your growing family soon.


Happy Homes Adoption Center"

"Oh my goodness! YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A BABY!" his mother screamed, leaping into the air. Adam's eyes were wide and he gasped for air.

"I'm going to be a dad!" Adam choked out.

"We got approved!" Danny smiled. He looked at Adam and watched as Adam's lips curved into a wide smile.

"I'm going to be a granmama!" They all jumped up and down excitedly. "I have a surprise for you two."

"What is it Ma?" Danny asked

"I'm buying a house down here, to be closer to my boys and my grandbaby."

"Ma! That's great news!"

"I also have a gift for you both. I picked it up on the way here." She handed Adam the gift, wrapped in yellow wrapping paper.

"You didn't have to," Adam started.

"But I did. Now open it!" Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement. Adam smiled as he motioned for Danny to help him open it. Together, they pulled apart the yellow paper to reveal a beautiful blue baby book with a little elephant on the front.

"Ma! It's beautiful!" Danny exclaimed as a tear fell from his face. He looked over to Adam, whose face was soaked with tears. Danny smiled and brought Adam's lips to his own.

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