Chapter 8

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Adam awoke the next morning to a text from Danny. It was a picture of Chance standing on her hind paws and reaching up to smack a piece of string with her paws. Adam smiled. He loved the kitten already.

He went into the bathroom and got a shower, watching the water flow down the drain and wishing he could go with it. 'Anywhere is better than here,' he thought. After his shower he threw on a pair of jeans and a random band shirt that was laying on his floor.

He combed his hair and looked into the mirror. He saw a boy with hollow green eyes, limp brown hair, and a shitty frown staring back at him. His shirt hung loosely onto him, as if trying to fall off him. He forced a smile and went downstairs.

"Morning Dad," he greeted his father with a smile, trying his hardest not to do anything that would upset him.

"What the hell do you want?" his father growled, not even looking up from his newspaper.

"Adam go out today. Your father has off and wants to spend his day alone," his mother explained, grabbing her purse off of the counter.

"Well what about you mom?" Adam asked, hoping she'd agree to spend the day with him.

"Don't you have other things to do than to tag around your mother?" his father snarled. Adam's smile faded as his mother left without another word.

"O.k., I'll just go hang out with Danny then," Adam murmured.

"I don't want you near that boy! He's a bad influence," his father explained.

"But he's my best friend!" Adam protested.

"I don't give a shit! If I don't want you around him then that's the end of it!" His father roared.

"But that's not fair!" Adam screamed. He couldn't leave Danny just because his father said so!

"Did I ask if it was fair? No! So shut up and deal with it!" his father bellowed, tossing his newspaper at Adam. Adam punched the newspaper away from him and stormed out of the house. No matter what his father said, he was still friends with Danny.

He walked around town for awhile, just taking in the scenery. After a few hours of walking Adam decided to head over to Danny's house. He approached the white house with the red door in no time. Danny's mother was sitting on the porch when he arrived.

"Hey Adam," she smiled. Adam waved and smiled back as he walked up the porch.

"Is Danny here?" he asked.

"He's in the kitchen making something. He kicked me out because it's a surprise," she laughed.

"Do you think he'd let me in?" he asked, looking longingly at the door.

"I don't see why not," she replied, motioning to the door.

"Thanks," he smiled as he entered the house and stepped into the foyer. He walked into the kitchen to see Danny at the kitchen table painting something. Newspaper was everywhere and his face was covered in paint. His eyes were so focused on the canvas that he didn't notice Adam standing in the doorway. "Danny?"

"AH!" Danny jumped up from the table and quickly stood in front of the painting, blocking Adam's view of it.

"Relax. Your mom's still outside," Adam assured.

"No...uhm, I mean yeah, this is for her," Danny stammered nervously.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked, trying to see past Danny.

"Uhm...can you sit outside for a minute?" Danny asked as he led Adam to the front door.

"I guess," Adam replied, confused as Danny shut the door.

Danny rushed into the kitchen and cleaned up the newspaper and paints. He couldn't bring himself to put away the painting. His heart was screaming at him to finish before he forgot the picture. He stared down at the familiar eyes of the painted boy. He had only painted the sparkling green eyes so far but he could still tell what the picture was supposed to be.

It was Adam. Danny smiled down at the painting and put the painting in his room to dry. He jumped as he heard the front door open and hurried back downstairs.

"Hey guys," Danny greeted breathlessly.

"What was that about?" Adam asked as he looked at Danny's paint-stained clothes.

"Nothing," Danny replied. His mother laughed and handed him a towel.

"Go get cleaned up, you look like a painting yourself," she smiled as she went upstairs to get ready for work.

"You never told me you paint," Adam stated, looking at all the paint on Danny.

"Well, I didn't think it mattered," Danny replied, wiping his face with a towel.

"So why'd you push me outside? I thought you were painting something for your mom," Adam asked.

"Oh, uhm, yeah. I didn't want anyone to see it yet. It wasn't ready," Danny lied quickly. His heart was pounding, he'd never been this scared in his life.

"Well that's reasonable. So, my parents are out for the day. What do you want to do?" Adam asked as he brushed his hair out of his face.

"We could go to the park," Danny suggested.

"Ok," Adam agreed, smiling. Danny loved it went Adam smiled. He wished he would smile forever.

"Just let me get changed first," Danny stated as he started for the stairs.

"No, you look fine like that," Adam admitted as he blushed.

"You like when I'm covered in paint?" Danny asked, shocked.

"Well I just thought since it's almost noon we should get there quickly. Besides, it's only paint," Adam explained as he walked to the door. Danny shrugged and followed close behind him. "Where are the kittens?"

"Upstairs because of the paint," Danny replied.

"Ok," Adam whispered. They walked to the park in silence. Adam seemed to be trying to smile but for some reason it looked forced. Just as Danny was going to ask what was wrong, Adam turned to him and smiled.

"Look Danny, they put the 'round-a-bout back!" Adam exclaimed, happily.

"Awesome!" Danny enthused as they raced each other to it. For hours they spun each other on the 'round-a-bout and laughed like they had ever since they were kids. Around five o'clock they headed home. Adam walked Danny home before heading home himself. He walked in silence, hoping his dad would be in a better mood when he returned.  

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