Part 2 - Chaper 15

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Danny sat down at the coffee table staring at the computer. He had applied to many schools, locally and farther away. He suspected Matt wasn't too happy about the possibility of moving but Danny didn't care, as long as he could teach.

He looked up at the clock. 2:35. Matt would be home around 5. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Danny, reluctantly, left the computer and walked over to the door. He never in a million years would have expected the surprise that awaited him.

As he opened the door he saw the same green eyes that haunted his dreams. His heart stopped. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't even make a sound. He fought the urge to slam the door and run.

He looked at him up and down. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a blue T-shirt. His hair was swept to the side and, on his left wrist, he wore the infamous blue and green bracelet. He looked skinnier and slightly taller. Danny looked at Adam's face. He looked ready to cry or bolt. His mouth was slightly parted and his eyes were full of guilt.

"D-Danny?" He asked, looking up at him with an unrecognizable look.

"Adam?" Danny answered. He couldn't believe it. After all these years, Adam had come back. Adam inched forward, trying to close the distance between them. Danny took a step back. It was as if a ghost had made it's way toward him.

"Danny... I'm so sorry," Adam's voice made Danny pause. He was hypnotized. He couldn't think straight. God, he loved Adam. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't he have come back sooner? "I still love you."

Danny looked at Adam, his eyes wide. Without warning, Adam closed the distance between them and crashed his lips against Danny's. 'No! Uhm, no! I'm engaged! I-I-I can't!' Danny thought to himself. Despite his inner battle, he did not break the kiss.

Instead, he deepened it. He pulled Adam into him and shut the door behind them. Adam pinned him against the wall. His face was full of pain and confusion. It had been too long. Too much time had passed. Their kisses weren't saturated with love anymore. They were filled with desperation.

Danny watched as Adam began to cry. Danny was surprised to find that he was crying too. Adam pulled away from him and they both slumped to the ground and leaned forward so that their foreheads touched.

"Please... I'm so sorry," Adam sobbed. He pulled Danny close into a tight hug. Danny couldn't think straight anymore. He didn't know what to do. He had to make a choice before Matt came home. Would he kick Adam out or invite him to stay?

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