Part 3 - Chapter 14

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Brandy came over to visit the next week. She was just as eager as they were, if not more. Danny set out snacks and drinks for her on the coffee table while Adam hid his shaking hands. Brandy sat on the couch along with her very disappointed mother. Brandy was very skinny, minus the huge stomach due to her pregnancy. She had fierce blue eyes and platinum blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. Her mother, however, had dull brown eyes and dark brown hair splotched with grey.

"So. We should get this over with." Her mother announced, looking at Adam expectantly. Adam nodded and Danny's lawyer produced their papers. Brandy signed without hesitation. Adam raised his eyebrow in shock.

"Don't you want to look it over?"

"No. I just want to get this over with. I'm due in about 3 weeks and I don't have time for this."

"You realize you've just signed your rights to the child away right?" The lawyer looked at the young girl, hoping she'd reconsider.

"Yeah. That's all we needed right?"

"Yes. I guess." The lawyer looked from Adam to Danny. They both looked as confused as he was.

"Well then I gotta go. I have homework to get done."

"Ok. Well thank you so much...for the baby?" Adam guessed. Danny was speechless, so was Brandy's mother. Brandy marched out of the room faster than she had entered, as if it were on fire.

"I'm sorry about her. I guess it's the hormones getting to her." Her mother looked at the pair apologetically.

"It's no problem. I just didn't expect her to just sign without thinking." Danny replied, looking over at Adam who just nodded.

"Me neither. It's alright. I'll be sure to give you a call when she's in labor. Did you want to be in the delivery room or did you want to wait in the hall?"

"Well...uhm...I'll be in the waiting room." Adam replied nervously.

"Me too. It seems weird to be in the same room as a sixteen year old girl in labor." Danny agreed. Brandy's mother smiled and nodded. She shook their hands and followed her daughter out to the car. Danny held Adam's hand tightly, squeezing slightly to ensure he was still there.

"Well. Hopefully this goes well for you both. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to the one couple I truly believe deserves a child." The lawyer stated, shaking their hands as he walked out of the house.

"Danny. I honestly can't breathe."

"Me neither."

"I'm so scared."

"Me too."

"That was our baby in her stomach."

"I know."

"We can do this right?"

"Yes." They stared at their empty driveway for ages, neither one willing to turn and walk inside. They looked at each other and smiled. It was ok to be nervous.

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