Part 3 - Chapter 9

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They sat out in the car staring at the large building in front of them. Adam's hands shook but he tried his best to hide it. Danny felt like he would vomit.

"Are you ready?" Adam asked, his voice wavering. Danny nodded and they slowly got out of the car. Adam led the way into the building. They were greeted by a blonde woman with gleaming brown eyes who sat behind the counter sorting through papers.

"Hello. How can I help you today?"

"We'd like to apply to adopt please?" Adam asked, trying to hide his shaking voice.

"Alright. Hang on a minute let me find the forms," The woman looked through her desk for the papers before exclaiming, "Eureka!" as she produced them from a drawer. She handed them the papers and they sat down to fill them out.

"I feel like I'm taking a test," Danny mumbled. Adam smiled and they filled out each question as accurately as they could. Adam smiled at the woman as he handed her the application.

"Thank you. Good luck. I hope you guys get approved!"

"I do too," Adam responded as Danny appeared behind him.

"Do we find out now or later?"

"Later, they'll call us to let us know."

"Well, it usually takes a few weeks, Sir. Usually, we'll send a letter stating whether or not you've been approved. Although, I'm looking through it now and I don't see why you wouldn't."

"Our partnership doesn't matter?" Danny's voice quivered.

"Not at all. As long as you have a decent income in a nice neighborhood with a nice house, you're sure to get approved."

"Thank you," Adam smiled. The woman nodded and they went back to the car.

"Do you think we'll get it?" Danny asked, avoiding eye contact with Adam.

"I'm sure we will. You heard the lady, it doesn't matter that we're together."

"Yeah. I'm just nervous."

"It'll be ok. Let's go home. I have a surprise for you," Adam smirked, forcing Danny to smile. They drove home in a comfortable silence. When they arrived Danny saw his mother's car in the driveway.

"My Ma's here?"

"Yup. I invited her over but I didn't tell her about the adoption. I figured you'd want to wait until you're ready. I just thought it'd be nice."

"Let's tell her then."


"Yeah!" Danny pulled into the driveway next to his mother's car and they walked inside.

"It's about time you two got home!" His mother exclaimed, throwing her arms around them.

"Ma, we have news for you," Danny informed her. His face brightened at the thought of a little baby running around and driving them crazy.

"Ooo! I'm excited! Come on, we'll sit down and talk!"

"Adam, do you want to tell her?"

"Let's tell her together."

"Ok. One."


"THREE! Just tell me!" His mother yelled, throwing her hands over her head as she smiled widely.

"We're having a baby!" The second the words were out of their mouths, Danny's mother leaped from the couch and started squealing. She threw her arms around the both of them and squeezed as much as she could.

"Oh my goodness! I'm going to be a grandmama!" Laughter filled the room and Adam imagined every holiday being just as great as this was.

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