Chapter 12

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She decided to stop by the house for lunch instead of eating at a fast food place. When she got to the house, the front door was wide open. Suddenly she felt sick. A sinking feeling made its way into her stomach. She went inside the house and began to look around. She saw Danny's backpack on the floor and sighed with relief, it was only Danny.

"Danny?" she called. "What are you doing home? Why's the door open?" When she didn't get a response, she flew up the stairs, hoping she wasn't too late. "Danny!" she screamed as she opened his bedroom door. Immediately the kittens ran to the bathroom and scratched at the door.

"Danny!" she screamed as fear took over her. She pounded at the door, trying to force it open as tears flew down her face. "Danny open the damn door!" With one final kick the door flew open and Danny was found, lying on the ground with tears flying down his face. The kittens hid behind the door, afraid of what was happening.

"Oh my God!" she screamed, trying to calm herself.

"Ma?" Danny whimpered, looking up at her,

"Danny what did you do?" she begged as she looked at her son. She quickly dialed 9-1-1 and frantically yelled for help.

"Ma.." Danny whispered, reaching out for his mom.

"Danny please, what happened?" she sobbed.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he cried harder. His mother looked over at the sink and saw the pills, scattered everywhere and a broken cup on the floor.

"How many did you take?" she pleaded.

"I didn't," he sobbed, looking away from his mother with shame.

"You didn't?" she breathed, relieved. She pulled her son off the ground and hugged him tightly. "Oh thank goodness."

Danny wrapped his arms tightly around his mother and cried into her shoulder. "I'm scared Ma," he whispered.

"Were you really going to leave me?" she asked, pulling away from him as she wiped the tears out of her son's eyes. Danny looked away from her and buried his head into her shoulder. Moments later the ambulance showed up and Danny was rushed with paramedics.

"MA!" danny screamed in alarm.

"Calm down," she said to Danny. She turned to a medic and said, "He didn't take anything. It was my fault, I jumped to conclusions."

"We're going to check him, just to be sure," the medic replied. After they were done checking him, they left. Seconds later, there was a scream. Danny's mother raced outside to see Adam staring at the ambulance as it drove away without a siren.

"Adam," she started. Adam looked at her with worry-filled eyes.

"He's ok! He has to be ok! Please say he's ok!" he screamed, shaking.

"He's in the living room," she replied, suddenly understanding what had happened. 'They must have had a fight, and it must have been pretty bad. Danny must have thought he'd lost him,' she thought to herself.

"Thank God!" Adam exclaimed when he saw Danny on the couch with Chance curled up on his lap. Without a moment's hesitation, he hugged Danny as tightly as he could. "I'm so sorry."

"You didn't do anything," Danny replied.

"I'll give you two a minute," his mom said as she went outside to call out of work.  

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