Part 3 - Chapter 2

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Danny pulled the car into the shelter's driveway. Adam was jumping up and down in his seat. He was so excited that it made Danny laugh.

"Come on!" He yelled, tugging at his seat belt.

"You have to unbuckle it first silly goose," Danny laughed.

"Arrrrg!" Adam groaned, unbuckling the belt and flying out of the car like his life depended on it. Danny smiled, shook his head, and followed behind.

"Hello. Welcome to Wyoming rescues. What can I do for you today?" A lady asked as soon as they entered the building.

"Where are the kittens?" Adam asked, almost instantly. His eyes were shining so bright that they almost looked clear.

"Right this way," the lady responded, flabbergasted at Adam's excitement.

"Yay!" Adam shrieked. He was acting like a child on Christmas. They walked into a room and the lady motioned to the cages.

"These are our cats. There aren't many kittens but there are three. They're over there," she explained, pointing at a far cage.

"Come on Danny!" Adam exclaimed, tugging on his arm.

"I'm following, I'm following. Don't rip my arm off now!" Danny laughed. Adam ran up to each cage and at each one he cried out an "awww!" Or "kitty!" Danny was getting tired of all the running around but he loved seeing Adam's smile.

"Danny!" Adam called, peering into a cage on the other side of a hall.

"Oh. That's our problem cat. She's set for euthanasia next week. She doesn't get along with the other cats, or people for that matter," the lady cautioned.

"Danny can we take her?" Adam begged. Danny walked up to the cage to see a black, orange, and white cat looking at Adam with confusion. She was all black with splotches of orange and white scattered all over her. The tip of her tail was an orange ring followed by white fur. She was beautiful.

"She can't leave. If she does and you bring her back, she'll be euthanized immediately," the lady warned.

"Is this the one you really want?" Danny asked.

"With all my heart," Adam replied, looking lovingly into the cat's eyes.

"Then we'll take her. Permanently," Danny smiled. The lady smiled quickly, happy to see the cat go to a home. They signed the papers and took her home.

"What do you want to call her?" Danny asked, sneaking a glance at Adam as he drove.

"Mocha Boots. We'll call her Mocha for short."

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