Part 2 - Chapter 24

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"Come on Danny! Hurry up! It's almost seven! We're going to be late!" his mother exclaimed. She wore a turquoise dress that went to her knees, silver heels, and diamond studs. Her hair was up in a curly bun.

"Ma? What kind of dinner are we going to?" Danny asked, looking at his mother. She looked too fancy for a dinner party.

"Hush! Just get in the car!" she replied, lightly shoving him to the door.

Adam waited at the park underneath the arch. It was beautiful. The tree was all lit up. The walkway was littered with sparkles and lights. It was like a fairy tale. As he was admiring the work he had done, a black car pulled up. He watched in fear as his parents got out of the car. His father was wearing a suit and his mother was wearing a long turquoise dress.

For the first time, his mother had done her hair. She had put it in a headband. She looked beautiful. They walked up the walkway and he walked down to greet them.

"Mom? Dad? I'm glad you could make it," he greeted.

"You did a wonderful job. It looks beautiful," his mother gushed.

"Congrats," his dad grumbled.

"Roger, we had a deal. Now shut up and smile," his mother demanded.

"What made you guys want to come?" Adam asked, looking at his parents with confusion.

"We haven't really been there for you for awhile. I figured it was time to change that," she replied, smiling. Adam smiled and pulled her into a hug. She sighed in relief. She was forgiven.

"So are we doing this or not?" his father grumbled. He was greeted with a stern look from his wife and he smiled slightly.

"Yeah, you guys can sit anywhere. I have chairs set up over there near the cake," Adam replied.

"Adam! It's beautiful!" his mother exclaimed, pointing at the cake. It was three tiers high. On each tier was a scene. The bottom layer showed two boys holding hands under a tree. The second showed their engagement. The third showed a wedding under the stars. On top was a blue heart connected to a green one. The cake was the one thing he had worked the hardest to get. It showed their story.

"Thank you," he beamed. A red Sudan pulled into the driveway and Adam rushed back to his spot under the arch. His parents took their seats. This was it. The wedding was starting.

Danny got out of the car and saw it. The tree was lit up. It was beautiful.

"I think I'm supposed to walk you down the aisle," his mother said with a smile. Danny smiled wider than he had ever smiled before. This was better than any church wedding. It didn't even look like a shotgun wedding. It looked just as good as if someone had taken years to plan it. He linked arms with his mother and they walked down the aisle.

As soon as he stepped on the walkway, "Marry Me" by Train came on. Danny's eyes began to water. He didn't think Adam would do this for him. It was a dream come true. He walked until he stood next to Adam. His mother smiled, kissed his cheek, and sat down.

"How'd you?" Danny started to ask. Adam put a finger to his lips and smiled. The preacher came out from behind the tree.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Danny Foster and Adam Smith. Love is a wondrous thing. Your heart is already crafted for someone. It's like a puzzle. One day you'll find the one who completes your puzzle. Today, these two have joined together to complete theirs," the pastor preached, "Do you have your vows?"

Adam nodded. He looked at Danny and began, "Danny, I love you. When we were younger I was so scared that I was wrong, that I couldn't possibly love you. However, I was not wrong and I will never doubt my heart again. I love you. No matter what anyone says or does, I will always love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Adam slipped a ring onto Danny's hand as he handed him the one he was supposed to put on Adam's hand.

Danny was crying at this point. He couldn't have been happier. Adam smiled. Danny closed his eyes and, like a song, the wind gave him his words. "Adam, I never liked being alone. It was always so lonely without you. I realize, now, that I would have waited for you forever. I would have sailed across any ocean and ran through any storm. I love you so much. You are my yesterday and my tomorrow. You are the best thing I could have. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Danny slipped the ring onto Adam's hand.

"Is there anyone here who objects?" the pastor asked. No one stood. No one spoke. No one moved. "Ok, Adam do you take Danny?"

"Forever and ever until death do us part."


"Even after death parts us."

"I pronounce you both wed!"

Danny leaned down and kissed Adam. It was their first kiss as a married couple. Danny smiled as a camera flashed. He would never let this go. This was the start of their future and the promise of a better life.

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