Part 2 - Chapter 20

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Danny's mother watching the two hug and she smiled to herself. She had wished on every star that Adam would come back before the wedding. Danny loved him. She knew that. She saw it in his eyes every single day. Now, he'd be able to spend his life with the one he truly wanted. She looked at the calendar. August 3rd, the wedding day. What would happen on that day now? Would there be a wedding or would there be tears? Perhaps, it would just be a normal day.

She looked at them again. They were still clinging to one another. If she looked closely, she would have seen their knuckles turning a ghostly white. They clung to each other as if they were about to be ripped apart. She decided to let them have some time to themselves.

Silently, she walked into the kitchen and packed a lunch. She got out her good picnic basket and filled it to the top. Then, she wrote a note and placed it on top of the basket. The note read:


When I met your father, I knew he was the one. Just like you knew Adam was the one. I want you to have this and I know your father would too. While I can't give you mine, I can give you his. No matter where you two go, you will always be my sons. I love you.


She placed the picnic basket in the fridge and put a ring on top of it. She touched the ring one more time before shutting the fridge and walking away. 'He would want our son to have it,' she thought, looking back at the fridge sadly. She held her head high and walked away, smiling as she remembered their last family day together.

"Mama!" her toddler had called as he splashed in the pool. It was mid-June. The sun was shining on the water.

"What are you doing my silly boy?" her husband had asked softly. He always talked that way, soft and comforting. Even when he was mad, he always kept his voice low.

"Callin' for Mama to tum simmin'" he replied, splashing a bit of water at his father.

"I'll get you for that," his father warned as he tickled Danny. Danny started laughing and climbed out of the pool. He ran over to his mother and grabbed a hold of her leg, almost making her fall.

"Where's the fire honey?" she had asked, looking down at her laughing son.

"Papa's a fire goblen!" Danny suddenly screamed. He turned and ran back towards the pool.

"Run for the pool! Water always beats fire!" His mother called after him, laughing. Her husband looked at her and pretended to growl. He put his hands by his mouth and wiggled his fingers, an attempt to make teeth.

"I will get you, Alice Foster," he warned.

"Well then, Evan Foster, I'll have to use my...ICE POWERS!" she yelled, pretending to shoot ice balls at him.

"Oh no!" He yelled, falling to the floor in a fake death. "You've beaten me!"

"You did it Mama!" Danny exclaimed, jumping up and down. He hugged his mother's leg and then hugged his father. "I love you Mama, I love you Papa."

"We love you too," she had said. His father had bent down and looked at Danny.

"We will always love you, no matter what, because that's what a family is for."

She smiled. Nothing could ever take that day away from her. She would carry that day in her heart until her heart stopped beating. She looked back at the fridge and smiled. Evan would have wanted Danny to have the ring. She knew that for a fact.

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