Part 2 - Chapter 4

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Adam walked into his apartment and sat on the floor. He only had a bunch of blankets set up on the floor for sleeping. He wasn't really that poor but most of his paycheck was used on his car payments. He couldn't afford it all.

He put his head in his hands and prayed. He had never been the religious type but the past years had been hard. With no one to support him, he turned to God. So far he hadn't answered his prayers. Adam looked at his phone for the hundredth time that day. No phone calls.

He sighed and dialed a number from his past. Miss Foster. It rang for awhile before she answered.

"Hello?" She asked. He could hear water running in the background and knew she was doing the dishes.

"H-hi," he stuttered.

"Adam honey? Are you alright?" She asked. He heard the water stop. He was ashamed. He shouldn't be talking to her. He shouldn't have left. Taking in a deep breath, he smiled.

"Yeah. I'm just checking in. Is he ok?" Adam asked.

"You call every Sunday and I tell you the same thing. Yes. He's fine. Why don't you call him?" She suggested.

"I know...but he's probably forgotten me," Adam replied, feeling like an asshole for calling again.

"Don't worry. He won't be going back to the hospital anytime soon," she assured him. Adam began to cry silently. He knew he needed help but how can you get help when you're broke?

"You should come visit soon. Jake and Chance really miss you," she laughed. "In fact, Chance is trying to hit the phone out of my hand."

"She always was playful," Adam laughed.

"So how about that visit?" She asked.

"I can't," Adam replied sadly. He looked around his home. He couldn't go back to his dad with nothing to show. He was exactly as his dad had said, worthless.

"You can't or you won't? What are you so afraid of? Adam, I have to go," she replied, her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

With a heavy heart and a disappointed breath, she said, "I'm not the one you should apologize to."

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