Part 3 - Chapter 10

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Two weeks go by and still nothing. Checking the mail obsessively, Adam sits outside and patiently awaits the mailman.

"Adam?" pondered Danny. "Whatcha doing there?"

"He'll be here soon!"

"Okay, the mailman has his own life on Sundays...he doesn't deliver mail." started Danny. "Plus he is a she and she probably doesn't like to be called a man."

"I just don't know what to do!" Adam yelled.

"Okay! That's it. We're going to go out, pass the day by, and then we will see what happens tomorrow. We can't obsess over this."

"YOU may not have to obsess over this, but I do. This is what I want."

"I know." Danny sighs. "I know, but listen, we need a new couch. I'm tired of getting stubbed in the butt by a very hard metal spring."

Adam just stared at him.

"Danny. It's definitely 'stabbed' and not 'stubbed', but you're right. Let's go  get a new couch."

Danny smiled. "That's my man."

Adam just laughed him off. "Plus, you know the only thing that I like stabbing my-"

"PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!" Danny yelled, running towards the car like a maniac.

Adam laughed hysterically the whole car ride to Jerry's Furniture Store.

"I like this one." said Danny as he was pointing to a very ugly, plaid couch.

"Yeah, no." replied Adam instantly.

"Why not? It's hip. It's hot. It's vintage. It's-"

"It's trash."

"Fine." Danny paused. "We'll get something YOU like. Sheesh."

"I'm glad you see it my way."

Danny scoffed.

The duo laughed and continued to shop until they stumbled upon something they both liked.  They chose a solid black, leather sectional with a chase lounge at the end.

"Danny?" quivered a voice from behind him.

Danny turns around, only to see a familiar face that isn't that familiar anymore.


"Yeah. Hey!"

"Uhh. Hi. What are you doing here?"

"Oh." Matt started. "Well, my uhh, husband is from Wyoming. So, before we head back to my house, he wanted to stop here and get some furniture."

"Oh, wow! You're married now?"

"Yes!" Matt said smiling, as he shows Danny his ring. "We have been married for about three months now."

"Wow. Jeez. That's good, Matt. Congratulations."

"Thanks. Oh, yeah I forgot to mention. We're adopting, too."

"Really? So are Adam and I."

Matt was surprised. "You? Adam and you?"


"Oh. Wow. You must really love him. huh?"

"Yeah. I mean, he's my whole world. Why?"

"Oh, nothing." started Matt. "It's just, the whole time we were together, you know?"

"Listen, I know. I'm sorry, but I just can't live without Adam. He saved me. You don't understand. I have never been in love before Adam. If you want the truth, it has always been Adam. I'm sorry, Matt."

"It's fine. You don't need to apologize. I moved on. I'm good."

"Good. Congrats on the adoption."

"Yeah, thanks. See you around, maybe."

"Yup. You, too."

Danny has never been involved in a more awkward situation than that. He walked away with chills slithering up his spine. Speaking with Matt really seemed to help him, though. Even though he  has always been excited about the adoption. he is even more so now. He realized what he has with Adam and how special it is. Now, Danny knows for sure, he just wants this family to grow.


A special thanks to colledoll1229 for basically writing this chapter lol <3

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