Part 2 - Chapter 16

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Adam felt his heart break and turn to dust. Danny didn't forgive him. Danny didn't love him anymore.

"Adam I...I'm getting married soon. I...I can't. You were gone. For five years, you were gone. You can't just come back now and expect me to drop everything!" Danny shouted. Tears flew down his face. Adam felt terrible. Danny had moved on. He was starting his own family, and Adam wasn't going to be a part of it.

"Danny I'm sorry! You'll never know how sorry I am! I didn't mean to hurt you so much!" Adam retorted, his eyes burning. He looked up at Danny, begging him to understand.

"I tried to die! I called you so many times! You didn't even come to see if I was ok!" Danny accused.

"I did visit you! I sat in the waiting room for hours! I tried so hard to write your name but I thought it'd be best if I stayed away. I did that to you! I almost killed you!" Adam screamed. He cried harder, making himself gag. He grabbed ahold of Danny's shirt and leaned his head against Danny's chest. "I'm so sorry. Please Danny! I'm sorry!"

Danny was shocked. He had never known that Adam had blamed himself so much. That was why he took so long to come back. He wanted to forgive himself before he asked Danny for forgiveness.

"Adam...I...I missed you. Why didn't you call? Why couldn't you have just stayed?" Danny whispered. His voice was raw. He loved Adam so much but, he loved Matt too.

"I tried but...every time I dialed your number I couldn't hit call," Adam replied, "Danny...leaving you was the worst mistake I've ever made."

Danny smiled as he pulled Adam's face towards his. He kissed him gently, not wanting anything in return. "I love you, Adam."

Adam smiled as wide as he could. He threw his arms around Danny and cried. Together, they cried until they ran out of tears.

Adam thought of the years ahead. He wondered if Danny would agree to join them. He placed his head onto Danny's shoulder. 'Will he leave with me this time?'

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