Part 2 - Chapter 23

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Adam was excited. He was up all night planning a beautiful wedding. It wasn't much but it was all he could afford. He was going to prove to Danny that he wasn't going to leave him again. He had set it up in the park. That's where they first met.

Danny was only about six at the time. Adam had gone to the park with his parents. They sat on the bench and watched him play on the monkey bars. Danny was on the swing. He heard a woman say, "Go on Danny, go play with the other little boy." Later, he came to know her as 'Miss Foster'.

"Hello," Danny had said. Adam smiled shyly and waved. The next thing he knew, he was running away from the "monsters in the mulch". Danny's imagination was amazing. Adam felt like he was really running from a monster. They rolled around in the grass and laughed as hard as they could. This was the start of their friendship. This was where they began.

Adam smiled at the memory. He knew he was doing the right thing. He had lilacs and lilies as the flowers and the tree was all done up in white laces. It looked like a willow tree during Christmas. There were lights everywhere. He was going to marry Danny while the stars shone their brightest.

The only guests were him, Danny, Danny's mom, and Adam's parents. He hoped his parents would show up. He needed them to. He looked over at Danny, who seemed to be asleep. He looked cold. Adam pulled the covers up to his shoulder. He was going to make a call to order the cake but he didn't think it would be right to leave Danny to sleep on his own. He crawled under the covers and put his arm around Danny.

He heard Danny sigh so he pulled him closer. All he wanted was to be the person Danny would be happy to wake up to. Adam smiled when he saw a smile spread across Danny's face. That was the only thing he wanted to see on him. Adam yawned. He heard his phone ring but he ignored it and went to sleep.

The next morning he was up before Danny. He hurried to the park to make sure everything was the way he wanted it to be. He had the tree all done up with the flowers making a walkway. He had decorated an arch with the flowers and admired his work. This is what he was good at. He could decorate.

He couldn't wait until that night. Suddenly, he looked down at his hand and saw the ring. His eyes widened. He forgot to pick up the ring! He rushed to the jeweler's and asked the lady behind the counter about it.

"It's being engraved now. It should only take a minute," she explained. Adam nodded and sat down. Once it was done, he put it in it's box and went back to the park. He looked at the time. 4:43. Danny's mom should be getting Danny ready by now. Adam smiled. He went back to the hotel room to get ready. Danny had left a note.

"My mom called so I went to her house. I'll be back soon. I love you."

Adam smiled. Once he was ready, reality hit him. He was getting married. He was excited but scared. He looked back at the clock. 6:23. It was time.

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