Part 3 - Chapter 3

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Adam set up the house for Mocha the second they got home. She seemed annoyed that Adam was holding her but, unlike what the lady had said, she didn't even spat. Finally, Adam was dressed in a suit and so was Danny. It was finally dinner time.

"Goodbye Mocha! We'll be back after dinner!" Adam called to the sleeping cat. Danny smiled. He loved when Adam was happy. They went to dinner and sat down at a fancy restaurant table. The lights were dimmed and a lone candle sat next to a rose in the middle of the table.

"It looks beautiful honey," Danny complimented Adam. Adam smiled, ignoring the menu to look into Danny's eyes.

"Thanks. I tried my best to make it special," Adam replied with a wink.

"Everyday with you is special," Danny grinned, watching Adam's face turn a pale pink color. He wanted to kiss him so badly, to savor every second, as if it would be his last. If only there weren't a candle in the way.

"Do you know what you want?" A waiter asked. He was tall and thin. He looked annoyed that the pair had dared to sit in his section.

"I'll have a hamburger," Danny replied, shifting in his seat.

"You came to a fancy place to order that?" the waiter asked. Danny blushed. Hamburgers were the only thing he could understand on the menu. The waiter huffed and wrote 'hamburger' down. "Let me guess. Grilled cheese?"

" about a cheeseburger without the tomatoes, lettuce, and onion?" Adam asked, feeling uneasy and unsure.

"You two are hopeless," the waiter sighed, walking away.

"He was rude," Adam murmured, looking down at the table.

"It's alright. As long as I'm with you no one can hurt us," Danny soothed, trying to choke down his anger. Adam straightened up.

"You're right," he agreed with a smile.

The man returned with their burgers and made sure to emit a huff of annoyance as he dropped the plates onto the table.

"What's your deal?" Danny snapped, growing angry. Adam placed a hand on his arm, causing Danny to look his way.

"It's ok. Calm down," Adam pleaded. Danny nodded as he forced a slight smile at the waiter.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to deal with homos in my damn section! Just shut up, eat your slop, and then leave!" the waiter yelled. Adam jumped out of his seat at the same time Danny did. He pushed himself between Danny and the waiter and kissed Danny with everything he had. Danny relaxed almost instantly. He looked up at his husband in shock. "Ew! That's disgusting! Get out of here before I call security!"

Adam looked at all the other couples and felt his ears grow hot. He was so embarrassed. "Come on Danny. We'll get a burger at McDonald's." He tugged on Danny's sleeve and led him away from the bigot waiter.

"I was going to punch him," Danny explained calmly when they walked out the door.

"I know," Adam smiled, kissing Danny's cheek.

"Is that why you kissed me?" Danny giggled. Adam couldn't help but laugh.

"That and other reasons," Adam admitted.

"Like what?" Danny prodded.

"You're so hot in a suit," Adam flirted, moving closer to Danny so that their foreheads touched. Danny smiled and kissed Adam gently before unlocking the car. "Danny I love you."

"I love you too, Adam," Danny confessed, pressing his lips onto Adam's once more. Adam smiled, causing Danny to laugh. "Stop making me laugh when I'm trying to make out with you!"

Adam laughed and slipped into the dark grey truck. Danny got in the driver's seat and they were off. They stopped at McDonald's and ate their meal in the car while they looked up at the stars. "This is so much better than the restaurant."

"You can say that again!" Danny chuckled. Adam was so beautiful in the starlight. He looked over at him and his heart fluttered. They say that after you're married for awhile, the butterflies stop. That wasn't true at all. For Danny, the butterflies grew more intense as the days went on.

"Danny?" Adam asked. Danny smiled.

"This is like our wedding night, out in the stars," Danny gushed. Adam smiled.

"It is."

"Do you want to dance?" Danny held out his hand. Adam smiled and gladly accepted it. Anyone around must have thought they were insane. They didn't care. They danced, in the parking lot of McDonald's, until their feet were too worn out to even stand without wincing.

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