Part 3 - Chapter 7

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When Danny got to his class he made sure to look at all the children. He loved his class. They were always so excited to draw. He loved watching their faces light up whenever he brought out the paints.

"Mr. Foster. My mommy is here," a young girl named Emily informed him. She pointed over at a woman who stood by the parking lot, holding a young baby in her arms.

"Ok. I'll walk you over," Danny replied, escorting the child to her mother. He was in charge of making sure the kids got in the right car with someone they knew. He always made sure to walk them, just to be sure.

"Mommy!" Emily called, rushing over to her mother. "Mr. Foster! Come look at my new sister!"

Danny felt a lump grow in his throat but he continued walking and smiling. "Hello Miss James."

"Please Danny. How many times do I have to tell you. My name's Margery," she smiled, laughing slightly. "This is June. She's 3 weeks old today."

"She's beautiful," Danny stated, not really feeling anything but fear from the infant.

"Thank you," Margery replied. Emily ran into her mother's legs. "Ow! Emily!"

"Mommy! Come look! My art picture is hanging on the front door!" Emily called, excited. The front door is where the principal puts the "exceptional" art.

"Oh! Uhm! Danny. Could you hold the baby please? I don't want to risk dropping her in the crowd of children," the mother explained, thrusting the baby into Danny's uncertain arms.

"Wait! Uhm!" Danny called but Margery was already running after her daughter. Danny was left standing awkwardly with the startled baby. He looked down at the wiggling infant and let out a squeak of fear. The baby must have sensed his fear because it suddenly started to wail.

"Oh no! No no no! Please don't cry!" Danny pleaded, trying his hardest to keep the anxiety out of his voice. That only made the baby wail louder. His anxiety grew as he noticed that many of the parents were giving him confused looks. Thankfully, Margery came back with Emily in tow. "How do I make it stop?"

His voice was quivering with fear. "Relax," Margery soothed, "she's just not used to anyone else holding her. Don't you have kids?"

"No. My uhm...partner wants one but I'm not really sure what I'm doing," Danny explained, biting his tongue at the word partner.

"Well, maybe you should practice. Try bouncing her," she suggested. Danny looked at her, his face growing red with embarrassment. He bounced the baby and the crying seemed to stop. He felt like he had just defused a bomb. He smiled slightly, looking from Margery to the baby.

"I did it!" he exclaimed, feeling proud of himself.

"You're a natural!" Margery complimented. She held out her arms as Danny placed the smiling infant into them. "You really should think of trying for a baby. I'm sure you two will be great parents."

"Thanks but, I don't think it'd be accepted," Danny mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear.

"Well, as long as you're both happy and the baby's healthy, who cares what others think?" Margery asked, raising her eyebrow and smirking. Danny smiled. She was right. Who cares what others think?

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