Chapter 14

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Adam sobbed harder. He wanted to admit to his feelings but he didn't want to disappoint his family. It broke his heart to see his friend so upset. He couldn't watch his friend break anymore. He had to leave. He got up from the couch and turned to leave. Danny grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the couch.

"Please, Adam, don't go!" Danny begged as tears soaked his face.

"Danny, I can't be with you and you know that!" Adam shouted, suddenly angry.

"Why not?" Danny retorted.

"Because of my dad!" Adam explained.

"Who says he has to know?" Danny demanded.

"Danny please! Let go of my arm!" Adam begged. Danny looked at Adam with so much pain in his eyes. Adam was so distraught that he didn't move when Danny kissed the corner of his lips. Adam felt like he was flying with only one wing.

"Please," Danny whispered, looking at Adam with a faint trace of hope in his eyes. Adam couldn't breathe. Without another word, Adam left. Danny sobbed hysterically as he watched the front door close. "Please come back."

Adam hurried home with puffy eyes and a sour mood. His mother was sitting on the front porch.

"What are you doing home?" she asked.

"Not now," he grumbled.

"I don't know what your problem is but you are not leaving this house until your attitude changes!" she scolded. Adam stomped up the stairs and went to his room. He was angry at his dad for making it so hard to love Danny. He was mad at his mom for not being like Danny's mom. He was mad at the kids who said it was wrong. He was mad at Danny for needing him so much. He was just mad.

Adam cried silently on his bed, remembering the day he first acknowledged his feelings for Danny. He was only 12 years old the day he asked his mom what love felt like.

"Mom, how do I know if I'm in love?" he had asked.

"Well, it's when your heart pounds every time you see them and you can't talk right. You always think of them no matter what you're doing. You always want to spend time with them and you stop everything you're doing, just to talk to them," his mother had replied, looking lovingly into his father's eyes.

"You're sweet dear," his father replied, "The little girl must be very special." Adam hadn't told him that he was in love with a boy but when he did a week later his father flipped. He couldn't be with Danny. He'd be kicked out the second his father found out. He vowed to never let anyone know his feelings for Danny, not even himself.

Adam got ready for school the next morning as quickly as he could. He was just about to head over to Danny's house when he remembered the day before. He went to school alone for the first time in six years.

By the time he got to school, Adam was scared. He didn't want to get into a fight with Danny, or anyone else. He looked around and saw Danny. He looked just as scared as he did. The world seemed so much scarier without Danny around.  

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