Chapter 8: Saving Eleven

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Will's POV:

Ones again we were all sitting in my living room planing. "Okay so I go to the upside down, but I need more people with me" Hopper said looking around the room. Mike's hand flew up, but Nancy yelled no. "I know you love her and everything but you do not risk your life for her" Nancy said starring at Mike. Mike looked at her like she had to heads. "She risked her own life to save me!" He yelled slamming his hands on the table. "Nancy is right Mike, you have to stay I will go" Jonathan said standing up. "Absolutely not! I can't loose one of my children again!"my mom yelled. "Who else would it be mom? It can't be any of the children of course, it can't be Nancy because.......... it just can't. It can't be you either because you have to stay home. Now who else is left?!" Jonathan said calmly to our mother. I didn't want Jonathan to go, but I knew we couldn't stop him. Hopper and Jonathan walked out of the door leaving the rest of us silent.

Hopper's POV:

Jonathan and I drove out to the woods. "Aren't we going to the Lab?" He asked looking out the window. "No we will find a portal in the woods, we can't go through all those guard" I said stopping the car.  We walked out of the car brining our guns(for me) and a bat(for Jonathan).

We walked around the woods for at least half an hour without finding a portal. "Hopper look" Jonathan said pointing at a tree. We walked over to the tree and I turned to Jonathan. "This is your last chance to quit kid" I said looking him in the eyes. "Let's do this" Jonathan said walking through the portal, with me following behind.

Jonathan's POV:

I walked through the portal and suddenly stood in the upside down. Before we decide who were going with Hopper, in the living room, we talked about possible places Eleven could be. So Hopper and I walked to Mike's basement.
"So like is this Eleven's mind?" I asked looking around. "No it's not like that. The upside down is a dimension, but the demogorgon isn't. It came from Eleven's mind and she released it, while being in the upside down" Hopper explained.

We were almost there when we heard a weird monster sound. We ran to the basement and saw Eleven sitting on the floor. She looked at us with terror in her eyes.  "Come on Eleven stand up we have to go" Hopper said to Eleven. She started to breath hard and starring at the wall. "She's in shock carry her" Hopper said pulling out his gun. I slowly picked up Eleven, she weighs nothing, it's like she's a feather. Hopper, Eleven and I ran to the portal and hurried out. We ran to the car and drove back to my house. "Eleven Mike is back at the house" I said to her. That seemed to get her out of her shock.

Mike's POV:

I was tapping my foot on the floor, counting the seconds. Lucas and Dustin was arguing, as always, Nancy and Will were talking about some movie, and Joyce was cleaning the house. I really hope they get El, because I can't live with myself if she has to stay another second in there. I also really hoped Jonathan and Hopper was okay. Even though I'm still really mad at Hopper. A car drives in to the drive way and we all run out. Hopper comes out first smiling a little, next is Jonathan who is looking at Nancy, Nancy was also looking at him. And there she was.

Standing there looking at all of us. When her eyes landed on me she started to walk over. I began to run over to her and she was running too. She jumped up so her legs were around my hips, her arms around my neck and her head burried in my hair. My arms were around her waist holding her up, which wasn't that hard considering she doesn't weight anything, and my head in her shoulder. We were hugging for about two minutes before I pulled her face down to mine and kissed her. She was surprised at first but kissed me back. We pulled away after a couple of seconds and I sat her down holding her hand. Dustin and Lucas ran over to hug her at the same time. Nancy walked over and hugged her quick, and then Joyce. Will was standing there awkwardly looking at his shoes. "Will this is Eleven, El for short, El this is Will" I said. Will lifted his hands so they could shake hands, but El just hugged him, they pulled away really quick.

I looked El in the eyes and smiled. She was finally home, were she belongs.



Okay guys this is NOT the ending!

There will be many more chapters so don't be worried.

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