32# One-shot: Our Secret Hideout

819 17 8

Song: Burn it down by Daughter

They're around fifteen.Btw do you guys remember John (25# One-shot: The Tutor)? Well I'm bringing him back. I know they were seventeen in "The Tutor", but let's pretend they were fifteen.

Eleven's POV:

I feel trapped.

I feel like I can't breath.

I was watching a movie on the TV, that I thought sounded interesting. But it reminded me of papa. It was about a scientist that was experimenting on kids. I started crying and dad was working. Mike is in school and I'm just waiting for him to get free.

I called his mom and asked her to tell him to meet me at the hideout when he got home. I walked through the town to get to an abandoned movie theater. Mike showed me around the town when I was allowed to be outside.He showed me the abandoned movie theater. Apparently they build a new one, so now this building as just standing there.

After that day, we decided it could be our secret hideout. When we wanted to be alone we would always go there. So he could meet me there and we could talk.

After sitting in on of the chairs for a bit, I hear a sound. I turn around expecting it to be Mike. Turns out it was John.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him slightly scared.

"I saw you walk in here and I just wanted to see what you were doing," John says with a friendly smile. I smile back at him still wanting him to leave.

I don't want to sound rude though, so I stay quiet.

Mike's POV:

School is so stressing.

High School is so different then middle school. I really want to go back. Another thing that was stressing me, is that I can't see El everyday like I can the rest of the part everyday. I just wish she could go to school with me. And the others. But mostly me.

When I get home I throw my back on the floor, and I throw myself down on the couch. Before I can even relax, my mom yells for me. I groan and walk into the kitchen, where my mom is.

"Hi honey. Jane called me an hour ago, saying that she wanted to meet with you at the hideout, whatever that is. She sounded really sad." My mom tells me.

I thank her and run outside, and grab my bike. I ride as fast as I can. Why is she sad?

When I arrive I throw the bike at the ground and run inside the movie theater. I can hear El laugh and my eyebrows draw together. I thought she was sad? Maybe she's happy now. I smile at the thought and make my way into the theater. My smile quickly dispersers when I see John with El.

I clear my throat and they both turn around. She smiles at me and runs towards me. I open my arms so that I can give her a hug. She lays her head on my chest while I glare at John.

He glares back before standing up from one of the seats.

"Well I guess I'll go then." John says.

El tells him goodbye without removing herself from me.

As soon as he's gone, El gives a quick kiss.

"What was he doing here?" I ask her sitting down in one of the chairs.

El tells me that he had just appeared out of nowhere, and that he had apparently seen El walk into the theater.

"I don't trust the guy." I tell her.

"Come one Mike."

"No I don't trust him!"

"Do you trust me?"

I look at her and smile softly. "Of course I do."

El smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

"Wait why did you want to meet up? I'm not complaining or anything my mom just said you sounded sad."

El sighs and starts telling me about the movie she saw, and how it reminded her of Dr. Brenner. I hug her tight and tell her that everything is going to be okay.

We have fun together afterwards, playing tag around the theater.


Hey guys!

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Guys..... I GOT INTO COLLEGE (the school system is different)!!!!!!!!!!

I'm soooooooooo happy.

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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