17# One-shot: The Vacation

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They're twenty years old.

Mike's POV:

"Have a great time, remember to use a condom!" Dustin screams after El and I.
El blushes and I chuckle.

We're making our way inside the airplane, and El is really nervous. We were talking about vacations a couple of months ago, and then I told El about my trip to Spain, when I was ten. El asked me how it was like to fly in an airplane, and then I remembered.

El has never been outside of Hawkins before, so I wanted to take her somewhere, where the weather is warm, so we could go to the beach .

When I told Nancy about my idea she immediately recommended Miami. I thought it was a great idea, and here we are. We made our way inside the plane and sat don in our seats (first class).

El sat by the window and I right next to her. She's looking out the window, with worry in her eyes. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it slightly. El squeezes back.

"It' going to be alright, don't worry," I tell her, kissing her cheek lovingly. El looks at me and smiles at me.

The plane starts taking off, and El is hiding her head against my chest. My arms are wrapped around her petite frame. I can feel El crying softly, and I close my eyes, to stop myself from crying as well.

When we're just flying normally, El starts looking away from my chest. She turns around and looks out the window. El gasps at the view and she leans against the glass. She hasn't let go of my hand, and I lean back to watch her.

"It's beautiful," she whispers.

"Yeah you are".

El looks at me and smiles softly, she leans against me and close her eyes. "I love you, El so much."

El hums before snoring lightly. I start grinning and close my eyes as well.

God ,I love her, please don't ever take her way from me.


El is looking around our hotel room, she runs up to the bed and throws herself down on it.

I stand in the doorway to the bedroom smiling at her. El looks at me and starts smirking. She stands up on top of the bed, and starts jumping around. She's laughing her ass off, while jumping around, her dress flying everywhere.

El points at me and I go towards her and stand on top of the bed as well. I start jumping around and El jumps right into my arms, so we fall down on the bed.

We're both laughing hysterically, but I stop when I start looking into her pretty brown eyes. She stops laughing as well, and stares right back. I slowly lean in and kiss her. El kisses me back, her hands flying into my hair.

My hands starts roaming her body and we start taking our clothes off.


"Let's go to the beach," El says to me. I smile at her and nod. El stands up from the bed, one of the sheets around her body. She walks into the bathroom and I smile to myself.

How the hell did I manage to get such a beautiful and kind woman as my girlfriend?

I stand up to get dressed in my swimming trunks, and I look into the mirror, and notice a hickey on the base of my throat.

I blush a bit, but then the bathroom door opens. El steps out of the bathroom, and she's wearing a bikini.

My mouth drops and I start stuttering; "Y-You l-look g-great!"

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My mouth drops and I start stuttering; "Y-You l-look g-great!"

El giggles and makes her way over to me. She kisses me softly and grabs two towels.

"Are you ready to go?"

I nod my head and we go out of you room. We look the door and El puts the key in her bag. We walk hand in hand down to the beach, and a lot of people stops to stare at El. She doesn't notice it, because she's busy looking at all of the things around her.

One of the guys watching her, looks my way, and quickly looks away again.

That's right she's my girlfriend.

We finally reach the beach and El gives me her purse and runs down to the water.
I find a place to lay our towels, and hides El's bag under them.

I walk down to El who's swimming around. I swim over to her and lifts her. She locks her legs around my hips and I kiss her lips slowly. She tastes of salt and strawberries.

We run around and have fun at the beach the rest of the day.

The rest of the vacation was amazing, and we agreed to do it again, sometime soon.


Hey guys.

Did you like this one-shot?

ST season 2 is so soon!!!


I won't write that weekend and I won't write in the weekend where ST season 2 comes out. Because I'll be busy watching ST instead of writing and the Saturday afterwards, I'm going to a birthday party.

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Snapchat: annikabooklover

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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