Episode 45: She's Dead Wheeler

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Mike's POV:
{Sixteen years old}

I miss her.

We have tried and tried to save her, but we can't get into the lab. It really breaks my heart. It's weird not seeing her for two years. I keep looking in the scrapbook, imagining the pictures there could have been taken in those two years.

The boys try to keep me positive. Lucas and Max are officially the cutest couple in our group. I kinda miss them messing with El and I. Jennifer and Will broke up.
Turns out Jennifer liked Troy. Dustin and Sally had a small break, but that only lasted for a day before they were together again.

None of them tried to make me date anybody else. I'm happy that they didn't try, because there aren't anybody like El. I will never get over her.

But I'm positive she will come back. She promised me, we would be together forever. She doesn't break promises, and neither do I. I promised myself that I would marry her. And I'm going to do that.

Mason's POV (surprised?):

Yes I got out of youth prison, because of good behavior. Anyway El is missing.

That Wheeler boy is depressed and keeps telling everyone that she will be back. Pathetic. She's gone and everybody knows that. Except frog face.

I want to rub that into his face, and that's why I'm making my way over to him and his friends. We were having lunch. It's hilarious to see him get angry and sad.
I stopped in front of their table and toothless was the first one to notice me.

"Well hallo. What are you guys doing? Crying over the dead girl Wheeler?" I asked smirking. Frog face turned around to look at me. He had bags under his eyes and looked extremely tired.

"Leave me alone Mason" he mumbled before taking a bite of his eggo. Who brings eggos to school? His friends narrowed their eyes at me. I flashed them a smile.

"Okay I'll leave you alone. But hey midnight? How is it to be friends with a depressed guy who thinks his dead girlfriend is alive?" Midnight growled and frog face froze.

"Yeah, it must be hard. What about you faggot? I mean your 'sister' is dead. That must hurt". The faggot looked down, his eyes glossed over with tears.

"Nice. What's up toothless? Still with the same boring Sally? Hm do you even miss El?
I mean you shouldn't she's dead". This time frog face growled and looked at me.

"Oh did I say something you didn't like? That El is dead? D-E-A-D!" Mike stood up and punched me in the face, and then he ran out.

Dustin's POV:

We run after Mike. Max and Lucas was holding hands while running. We saw a lot of students picking up their school books. Mike must have been throwing with their books. We found Mike beating the wall with his fists, out in the parking lot.
Lucas hurried over to him and dragged him away from the wall. Mike collapsed and started to cry. He hugged his legs and he was sobbing hard.

"Mike it's okay. She's going to come back, I know it. We know it" Max said, sitting down next to him. We all, sat down around Mike and hugged him. His fists where bloody, and there was forming bruises on them.

"I-it's just, m-maybe she's gone" he whispered and looked at us. We all shock our heads.
Mike dried his tears with his sleeve and stood up. He smiled at us before walking away from the school.

Mike's POV:

I fucking hate Mason.

Why would he do that? It's bad enough that she's gone, he doesn't need to say it all the time. And he's out of youth prison, how is that possible?

I laid down in the woods, the exact spot we found El the first time. I sighed and let the tears flow free. Even though I was already crying. I looked at my bloody hands, they hurt a lot. But I deserve pain, because I couldn't protect her.

"El I miss you. Where are you? You promised that you would stay with me forever?
Well you aren't here. I don't know if your......but I want you to come back. I love you.
I promise that I will marry you as soon as we turn eighteen. Just come back, please"
I sobbed and buried my head in my hands.


I sat up as fast as a lightning and look behind me while smiling.



Hey guys!

So don't hate me........

I know I'm sorry for the cliffhanger.

See you tomorrow!

Stay Strange!

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