16# One-shot: Mute

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Seventeen years old.

Mike's POV:

El stopped speaking.

I mean considering everything she's been through, it seems like something like that would happen. El hasn't spoken for a month.

One morning she just stopped.

I open my eyes and look down at the sleeping beauty in my arms. I smile down at her and kiss her forehead, softly.

Eleven yawns before opening her eyes. She smiles at me and kiss my lips.

"Good morning gorgeous," I whisper.

El looks down and sighs.

"Do you want to go to the theater tonight?"

El nods her head, but she doesn't answer me.

"Hey are you okay?" El shrugs and look the other way. I sigh and say; "I love you".

El kisses my cheek and stands up, from the bed.

The night before she was speaking and laughing. She told me she loves me, and then the next morning she can't tell me that.

Right now I'm making m way to school alone. I usually pick up El and we would walk to school. Instead of riding out bikes, because that way, we can have more time together.

But now El gets a ride from Hopper, because she suddenly didn't feel like walking.

I'm really worried about her.


When I arrive El is waiting for me outside the school. I walk up to her give her a kiss. She kisses me back, and I tell her that I love her. El kisses my cheek.

El and I made an agreement that when she kisses my cheek, it means I love you.

We walk in hand in hand, and goes straight towards Max's locker, where the rest of the gang is. The others greets us and continue their conversation.

El leans against my chest and closes her eyes for a moment. I stare at her face, admiring my girlfriend. El opens her eyes and looks me in the eyes. Her beautiful eyes.

I hear someone clear their throat and I look at the others to find them starring at us. Their all smiling and Max is slightly smirking.

El blushes and stops leaning on me. I narrow my eyes at the others and they laugh at my expression.

Eleven's POV:

I feel bad.

I know they're not mad that I won't talk, but I can't help but feel guilty. They saves me, all of them, and here I am refusing to speak, because it was the anniversary for the say the bad men took me away 4 years ago.

I look at Mike, we're sitting outside under a tree in the park.

Mike sees me looking at him and smiles.

"I love you." Mike tells me

"I love you too."

Mike's eyes widens and he starts grinning. He stands up and pull me with him. Mike spins me around and I laugh.

"Why didn't you speak?" Mike asks me, but he can't remove that stupid smile from his lips.

"Because it was the anniversary last month and I... I don't know why, but I just didn't want to speak," I tell him, looking down in embarrassment.

Mike makes me look at me, and he kisses me slowly.

"It's okay El. I'm just glad your speaking again."

"Me too Mike, me too."


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