Episode 20: I'm Real

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Mike's POV:

"Goodbye Mike"

That was the last words she said before passing out. Tears streamed down my face, and I fell to my knees. Doctor Brenner took El in his arms, and smirked. Nancy sat down next to me and hugged me. I'm going to lose her. She's actually about to step out of my life again. I can't take it. "Well it was nice dealing with you guys" he said before turning around.

"Wait!" Screamed Will. Brenner turned around to look at Will. "Yes?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. "You can't take her" Joyce said taking a step closer to Brenner. "But I have her already, don't I?" Brenner said laughing. I couldn't do anything but cry. "Shh Mike" Nancy said. "No you don't" Hopper said before pushing Brenner. He fell and dropped El. I ran over to her and picked her up. Hopper took out his gun, and points the gun at Brenner. "Now we are going to walk out slowly, and you are going to stay here" Hopper said. Brenner looked angry but nodded his head. We all walked out of the room, but I swear, when I looked at Brenner before closing the door, he smirked.

Joyce's POV:

Mike had El's head in his lap. We were all sitting in the living room, waiting for El to wake up. It's funny how much Mike actually loves El. When I was in his age, I didn't even think of having a boyfriend. He's stroking her hair, and occasionally kissing her forehead. "Please wake up El" he whispers, a tear escaping his eye. Will, Dustin and Lucas is sitting beside Mike, looking down on their own lap. They all look really sad.

Lucas's POV:

El is still passed out. I can't get the image of Mike sitting on his knees crying. I could literally feel his pain. He looked so lost. "You guys had a plan, but you didn't tell me?" Mike asked clearly angry. "We thought you and El's reaction had to be as real as possible" Hopper said. I turned my head just to see El's eyes flutter. "Guys! I think she's waking up!" I screamed. They all looked at El, hope shining in our eyes.

Eleven's POV:

I opened my eyes expecting to be in my old bedroom. I expect Papa to sit there with his evil eyes. But no, my head is laying in Mike's lap, and he is looking down on me. "El?" Mike whispered. "M-Mike?" I stuttered, not believing my eyes. "Are you real?" I whispered slowly. "Yes El, I'm real" he said before crashing his lips on mine. I kissed back smiling into the kiss. We pulled away and I sat up. I was feeling very dizzy, and leaned my head on Mike's shoulder. "Hi" I said to the other guys in the room. They were all smiling. I closed my eyes feeling sleepy again. Mike kissed my cheek before I fall asleep.

Mike's POV:

I got permission to stay, and sleep over in El's room. Her head was laying on my shoulder, and I was looking at her. I'm afraid to close my eyes, because maybe, if I open them, she will be gone. I sighed and looked around the room. It used to be Will's room, so it pretty much looks the same. Except the closet is filled with girl clothes. The most of Will's toys, are in Jonathan and Will's room. There is few toys left that he doesn't play with anymore. El seems to enjoy them though. "Mike" El said sleepily.

I looked at her and smiled. "Yes El?" I said stroking her soft hair. "Snowball?" She asked looking me in the eyes. "We missed it, but there is a new one. It's in about a month". (Just a reminder that El was gone for a year). She smiled her sweet smile and closed her eyes again. This time I closed my eyes as well, falling asleep.

Hopper's POV:

I was sitting in the kitchen with Joyce, drinking coffee. "Well at least everything turned out alright" Joyce said, taking a sip of her coffee. "I just feel so weird about everything" I said looking down on my coffee. "What do you mean?" she asked looking at me worriedly. "It's just El, I mean I'm happy that she's safe, but I can't help but feel that she's going to slip out of our hands again" I said putting my head in my hands. Joyce took one of my hands and squeezed it. "Everything is going to be perfect" she said drinking the rest of her coffee.


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So Papa didn't get El!

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