Episode 25: Mouth Breather

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Eleven's POV:

I weren't aloud to go to school. Joyce said, that I should wait, after everything I'm going through. I was currently sitting in the woods, alone. They boys were in school, and I asked Joyce I'd I could go the woods. Obviously she said yes. I was starring at the trees around me. What do I do to kill time? "Well well well, if it isn't the freak", a voice said behind me. I turned around and looked at the mouth breather, and his friend. "What are you doing here all alone?" Mouth breathes friend asked. I slowly backed away from them. "Leaving so soon? I thought we could play a little" mouth breather said taking a step closer. I turned around to walk away, but I was quickly pinned to the tree. Mouth breather leaned on my body, and whispered.

"You know frog face doesn't like you, and he said that you are ugly. He kept saying it over and over again in school" he whispered. "Y-you lying" I said trying to push him away. Mike told me not to use my powers, when I could avoid it. "No actually, I'm not. The rest of the freak show, doesn't like you either. The just feel sorry for the monster. Isn't that what you are? A monster?" Mouth breather said laughing. I finally managed to push him away, and ran away.

I hurried into my room, before Joyce could ask any questions. I threw myself on the bed and started to cry.

They just feel sorry for the monster.

Mike's POV:

School was over, and I finally get to see El. I walked through the door, with Will, before he disappeared into his room. I knocked on El's door, but there wasn't any response. It sucked that El couldn't go to school with us, because that means less time with her. At least I get to see her. I opened the door slowly, and walked in. El was laying in her bed, sleeping. I chuckled and sat down next to her, stroking her hair. She snuggled closer to me, as always, but then I notice something. Her face is covered in tears. I stroked the tears away. Why was she crying? I picked her up, so,her head was laying on my lap. I smiled at her cute face, as she opened her eyes.

Nancy's POV:

School is not the same without Barb. She was always there for me, helping me. I didn't really have any other friends. She was my best friend. I think of her often, usually when I'm about to sleep. But right now, I'm missing her in school, as I'm sitting with Steve and Jonathan, in the cafeteria. "Hello Nancy, are you listening?" Steve asked, taking a bit of his burger. "Sorry, I was just thinking" I said, taking a sip of my orange juice. Jonathan looked at me worriedly but I give him a big, fake smile.

Mike's POV:

El looked at me, and started to cry. I tried to hug her, but she pulled away.
"Are you okay El? Why are you crying, beautiful" I asked caressing her arm. "She looked at me before looking down. "You know you can tell me anything right?" I asked. She nodded and looked up a little. "Do you like me?" El whispered. I looked at shocked.
"El I don't like you, I love you" I said taking her hands in mine. She looked away, not believing my words. "Jane Byers or El, or what ever your name is, I love you. I have loved you ever since I first laid my eyes on you" I said caressing her soft cheek.
"Mike, I-I'm a monster. I'm freak and I'm ugly" she said even more tears streaming down her pretty face. "El that is a lie! You are definitely not a monster, you are not freak either. You are the best girl I have ever meet. And you are not ugly, you are so beautiful, nothing can compare with how beautiful you are" I said leaning closer. She looked at me, before kissing me. I kissed her back squishing her hands. We pulled away, and I needed to ask her a question. "El why did you think these things about yourself?" I asked.

She looked down but looked up again. "I was in the woods when you were in school. Mouth breather and his friend came. He told me that you don't like me, and that I'm a monster and a freak" she said crying again. I was so mad, how dare he!
I think El, knew I was mad, because she kissed me, making me forget about Troy.

Eleven's POV:

We pulled away and I couldn't help but smile. He smiled back and leaned in for another kiss, when the door flew open. Max, Lucas, Dustin and Will stepped into the room. "What's up, my OTP" Dustin said, plopping down on El's pink chair. "Hey guys, and Max" I said laughing at Max's expression. She glanced and leaned her head onto Lucas's. "What do you guys want to do?" Will asked from the door. I thought for a while. "We don't know much about Max, so tell us about yourself" Mike said, lifting me into his lap. I snuggled into his chest, and he had his arms around my stomach.

Max sat down on the floor with Lucas, and Will sat in the bed, next to us. "Well my name is Max, obviously. I'm thirteen, I really really like my skateboard, and comic books. Oh, I moved here because my dad got married again, and now I have a stepbrother named Billy" she said yawning. "Are you tired?" Lucas asked smiling.
"Yeah a little, I was fighting with Billy last night" she said yawning again.


Hey guys!

It wasn't the best chapter I know.

I'm updating today, because I don't have time to write tomorrow, so you'll just get an update today, and one Saturday (Danish time).

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Stay Strange!

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