Episode 61: Unknown

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Mike's POV:

"Mike wake up!", El yelled at me. I was laying in her bed because I slept over last night. Hopper was against it at first, but then Joyce told me it was okay. Hopper starred at me under the whole entire dinner. Then he protested about me sleeping in her room, and that I had to sleep on the floor, but Joyce told Hopper it was okay again. 

"Where are you going?", I ask her. She's dressed in a green dress, her hair is pulled up in a ponytail and she's wearing a pink lipstick. El smiles and kiss my cheek.

"I'm going out with Jason, Cameron, Hannah and Diana", she tells me putting on her shoes.  I look down and sigh. I love that El has new friends, but I don't like that Jason guy. I've never talked to him, but it looks like he's always flirting with El.

Giving her flowers, ice cream, pizza and going to the movies watching romantic films. I looked at El while she looks at herself in the mirror. "I thought we were doing something today?", I ask her looking at her with narrowed eyes. 

"We are! Later though, I'm going to the park to listen to music with the others", she says sitting down next to me. I pull her closer to me and hug her. She smells like flowers. 

"We can listen to music together", I tell her kissing her shoulder. El giggles and kisses me. I kiss her back and pull her hair out of her ponytail. "Mike!", El said standing up. Good she's staying for another minute.

"Come one please stay?!" I beg her, while hugging her from behind. El leans closer to me and sighs. "Tomorrow after dinner with Charlie, we'll just be us. We can go stargazing or even watch 'Stand by Me', if you want to", she's says poking my  nose. 

"Are you sure you're not into Jason at all?", I ask her worriedly. El looks at me before laughing.

"Are you jealous again Mikey?", El asks teasingly. "No I'm not into Jason. He's actually the one who pushed me to talk with you, while we weren't together. You don't have to worry at all", she tells me. Then she kisses me softly before leaving the room. 

Eleven's POV:

"So El karma is a bitch", Diana tells me, while eating an apple. "What?", I ask her. Bitch, Dustin uses that word. But I'm nor sure what is means. 

"I heard that Camilla is pregnant with Mason's kid", she tells me laughing. I stare at her. Camilla is pregnant? I look down to stop myself from laughing. Stop it El, be nice. "How do you know?", I ask her.

"I heard a conversation between Mason and Camilla. They were arguing about abortion, Camilla wants to keep the baby and Mason doesn't", Diana tells me.

"Stop stealing my fries", Cameron yells at Jason. "But you love me", Jason says smugly. I smile at them taking one of the fries that Hannah and I are sharing.

"I do", Cameron. Jason looks shocked before smiling. Jason leans in and kisses Cameron. They kiss for a while and Diana throws her apple after them. They break apart and starts blushing.

"I knew this would happen soon", Hannah says teasingly. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?", Jason ask Cameron grinning. Cameron nods and kisses Jason again.

"And speaking of boyfriends, I have to go", I tell them, while standing up. I walk away from them thinking about Mike.

I couldn't help but feel like someone is watching me.

Unknown POV:

I watch her walk to the Wheeler's house. She looks happier then last time I saw her. But a lot of things change in four years I suppose. I remember promising Charlie to leave her alone, but I couldn't.

"And your absolutely sure she's not dangerous?", I ask Charlie.

Charlie nods is head; "I talked with her a whole entire day, plus we're eating dinner soon with Mike Wheeler, She's not dangerous".

I nod my head and write it down in Eleven's file. "Can you leave my daughter alone now?", Charlie asks me. I sigh and lean back in my chair. "We'll see".

She stops up to look at a flower, then looks in her wallet frowning. I guess she doesn't have money for them. She walks away towards where she was original going.

I can't stop myself as I walk over to the flowers.

Mike's POV:

Someone knocks on the basement door and I open it slightly. El is standing outside waving at me. I smile and open the door completely. El walks in and takes a seat on the couch.

"I thought you were hanging out with you friends?", I say while taking a seat next to her. She puts her head on my shoulder. I bring my arm around her and she snuggles closer to me.

"I would rather hang out with you", she tells me, and I smile.Take that Jason, you can't steal my girl. I kiss her softly and pull away after some seconds.

"So are you ready for tomorrow?", I ask her. El pulls away and smiles at me. "I guess. I mean.. I've already met him once, I shouldn't be nervous", El says looking down slightly.

"It's normal, I would be nervous too. But you have me. I'll be there", I tell her. She smiles at me and is about to kiss me, when there is a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and opens it. There is no one, except for a bundle of flowers laying on the ground. 

I take them and walk into the basement. "Who was it?", El asks when she sees me with the flowers.

"I don't know..", I trail of. I spot a card in the flowers and starts to read it; 'To El, from B'.

"Who's B?", I ask El showing her the card. El shrugs and takes the flowers. "Hey these are the flowers I wanted to buy, but didn't have money for", she says more to herself than me.

"Is 'B' some sort of nickname for Jason? Is he sending you flowers again?!", I ask angrily. El looks at me and shakes her head.

"Jason has a boyfriend, I think. I mean I'm pretty sure Jason and Cameron is going to be a thing after their date", El says smirking at me. Boyfriend? So he's.....oh.

"I don't like people sending flowers to you", I say,kissing her softly

"Don't worry".


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So who is Unknown?

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Stay Strange!

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