Episode 46: She's Back

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Eleven's POV:

Mike was holding me. God I missed the warmth of his body. We were sitting in his basement, on the couch. I can't believe I got out from the lab again.
I was actually scared to talk to Mike, because I thought he would have forgotten about me. But then I heard him in the woods, and now here we are.

"I'm happy you're home" Mike whispered while caressing my arm. I smiled and breathed in his smell. "Me too".

Mike looks different. His taller, but still skinny. He cut his hair a little but just a little.
I wonder how the other boys are. I missed them all a lot. How is Max doing? She seemed so sad when I left. I guess I have grown too. I'm a little taller (not as tall as Mike), and I have longer hair. I mean they did cut my hair to make sure it didn't get too long.

"Mike when can I see boys and Max?" I asked smiling a little. I don't know if Mike has a new girlfriend, he hasn't tried to kiss me, and I haven't kissed him. Maybe he doesn't like me that way anymore.

"Oh we can see them soon. We were supposed to go home to Will today. They're going there after school, which ends in one hour" Mike said. I smiled and nodded.

"Mike? Do you have girlfriend?" I asked looking down a little. Mike frowned and looked down too. God, he does. He just doesn't want to tell me. Mike looks up and smiled.

"I kinda hoped we still were together" he said. I smiled and nodded my head. Mike lowered his head and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss, and put my fingers into his lovely hair. Mike found my waist and held me closer. We broke the kiss and smiled at each other. "I love you El" Mike said grinning.

"I love you too".

Mike's POV:

She's back. I can't believe she's back! She's so beautiful. She's a bit taller, and has hair to her shoulders. She has small curves and her brown eyes were shinning.

(This picture came closest to how I think El would look like

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(This picture came closest to how I think El would look like. Obviously Millie won't look like that {maybe😉} )

I was a bit worried that she wouldn't consider me as her boyfriend anymore, but she does. I'm happy to have her back in my arms, and her soft lips on mine.
We were making our way to Will's house, walking. We just decided that we would rather walk then ride on my bike. It gave me more time to be with her alone anyway. The boys and Max would be so happy when they see her.

Take that Mason!

We were finally there, and I knocked on the door. I had given El some of the clothes Nancy left behind. She's living in an apartment with Jonathan, they're engaged.

Dustin opened the door and dropped his mouth. "Mental" he whispered running into he living room. I took El's hand and walked into the living room. They were all there staring at El, before I could pull my hand away they had attacked El in a group hug.

"Damn El, you have hair now!" Lucas pointed out, earning him a slap by Max.
El nodded and took a pice of hair between her fingers. "How did you get out?" Will asked tears in his eyes.

El looked really uncomfortable, and had tears in her eyes. I took her hand and let her into her room. We haven't moved anything at all. El looked around the room and smiled a bit.

"I thought you would have forgotten about me already" El whispered sitting down on the bed. I shock my head and kissed her. "None of us could never ever forget about you".

"I killed them. The bad men, all of them. That's how I got out" El said crying. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder. She sat up and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm a monster Mike".

"No El. You're not a monster! You're the most kindest and sweetest girl I have ever meet. Even after all the things those mouth breathers has put you through, you think about other people and you're not even evil! I waited and waited for you to come back because I knew you would be back! I couldn't move on not matter what Mason sai-"

"Mason's out of youth prison?" El asks terror in her eyes. Stupid Mike. Maybe you could have waited to tell her about that!

"Yeah he's out. But don't worry, I won't let him touch you at all" I said looking her in the eyes. She nodded and hugged me. "Let's go out to the others".

Joyce's POV:

So Jim moved in with us after El's disappearance. I couldn't make myself clean up her room. Will and Jonathan approved of him so now he lives here. Jonathan moved into an apartment with Nancy. Nancy actually proposed to Jonathan, which we all made fun of.

Jim was carrying the groceries while I opened the door. I gasped when I saw all the boys and Max sitting around a girl with brown hair to her shoulders. Mike had an arm around her, and when the girl looked at me, I knew who she was.

"El!?" I screamed running over to her. She stood up and hugged me. I hugged so tight while I kissed her forehead. "Of my sweet El. You're beautiful" I said letting go of her. Jim comes through the door, and sees El as well. He hugs her as well.

"We will renovate your room so it fits you now, okay sweetie?" El nodded and smiled at us. I haven't really heard her talk. I made Will come out in the kitchen with me.

"So does El speak at all?" I asked. Will sat down shrugged he took a deep breath, and began to explain how Mike came through the door with El.
"She didn't say anything really. Maybe she's scared like the boys told me she was, when they found her the first time" he said. I nodded and Will ran into the living room.

Nancy's POV:

Jonathan and I were making food in our kitchen. I have lived with him for a year and it's wonderful. He's so caring and sweet. Suddenly the phone rang and I went to answer it.

"Hallo?" I asked into the phone. "Nancy it's Joyce. I wanted to tell you that El is back! Mike found her in the woods, and she's safe. She's gorgeous Nancy, extremely beautiful" Joyce said. I gasped.

"Thats wonderful! We will come right away! See you soon" I said hanging up.
"Jonathan!" I yelled and ran into the kitchen. Jonathan turned around and looked at me. "What princess?"

"El is back! Mike found her in the woods and she's at your house, let's go".
Jonathan dropped the spoon he was holding and ran to the door. I followed him.

El is back.

She's back.


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Stay Strange!

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